
『壹』 “巴黎歌剧院”用英文怎么说

Paris Opera.
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1. 歌剧[C]
Carmen is a well-known opera.
2. 歌剧艺术;歌剧业[U]
Opera is a blend of all the performing arts -- songs, instrumental music, dance and drama.
3. 歌剧院[C]
She was once the best singer at the Paris Opera.
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『贰』 急求巴黎歌剧院的英文简介

巴黎歌剧院全名为加尼叶歌剧院(Opera de Garnier),因建筑师加尼叶(Charles Garnier)而命名,是法国皇帝欣赏歌剧的场所,不管内部装饰和外表建筑都极尽华丽之能事。早在17世纪时,意大利歌剧风靡整个欧洲,称霸着歌剧舞台。欧洲各国的作曲家就致力于发展本国的歌剧艺术,与意大利歌剧抗衡,与宫廷贵族追求时髦的庸俗趣味进行争斗。就是在这一时期,法国吸取了意大利歌剧的经验,创造出具有本国特点的歌剧艺术,法国歌剧也由此发展。 法国歌剧艺术风格的形成,决定了法国将建立自己的歌剧院。1667年,由法国国王路易十四批准,获得了法国政府的支助。1671年3月19日,由佩兰、康贝尔和戴苏德克负责建造了法国第一座歌剧院“皇家歌剧院”它就是巴黎歌剧院的前身。后于1763年被毁于大火。1875年新的剧院建成附设有一个举世闻名的芭蕾舞团和一个管弦乐团。

Paris Opera Garnier opera house full name (Opera de Garnier), as a result of architects Garnier (Charles Garnier) and named after the emperor of France to enjoy the opera places, whether in-house decoration and building looks gorgeous doing all it can Matter. As early as the 17th century, Italian opera popular in Europe as a whole, to dominate the opera stage. European countries on the composer's commitment to the development of the country's opera arts, opera and Italy against, with the court aristocracy vulgar pursuit of fashionable taste for fighting. In this period, France has learned from the experience of Italian opera, with its own characteristics to create the opera arts, this is also the development of French opera. French opera-style art form, the French decided to build its own opera house. In 1667, from France's King Louis XIV approval, received support from the Government of France. March 19, 1671 by Perrin, David Campbell and Sudek responsible for the construction of France's first opera house, "the Royal Opera House," which is the predecessor of the Paris Opera House. After the fire in 1763 destroyed. In 1875 built a new theater with a world-famous ballet and an orchestra.

『叁』 巴黎戴高乐机场怎么到timhotel opera madeleine酒店

在2号航站楼的TGV 车站搭乘开往 PITA Gare de Saint-Rémy-Lès-Chevreuse 的 RER B 地铁(浅蓝色),11站后在Gare Nord(北站)下车;选择 Place Havre 出口,向回东步答行2分钟到巴黎北站去搭乘开往HOCI Haussmann St Lazare 的 RER E 地铁(浅紫色),5分钟后直达Haussmann - Saint-Lazare 车站下车;选择 Place Havre出口,上地面后朝南前行,从Cour Havre走到 Rue Saint-Lazare,右转进入Rue Saint-Lazare,酒店在左侧。


『肆』 巴黎opera附近哪里可以乘坐机场大巴

就在歌剧院侧门rue scribe, 优衣库门口

如果你对着opera正门,它就在你左边, 图片灰色标记就是的

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