❶ 南京地铁车站里的英语广播
1.站台:Welcome to (站台名) .Please keep away to alighting passengers and take care of the elderly and the children.
2.列车进站(站台):The now coming train is heading to (站台名). Please wait behind the safety line and watch your step when getting aboard.
3.列车上报站(普通站):The next station is (站台名).
4.列车上报站(换乘站):The next station is (站台名). Please get ready to get out for transferring to metro LINE (线路名).
5.列车到站:We are now at (站台名).
❷ 南京地铁里英语站点 播报员,特别是女的,声音不仅粗,而且口语真是烂的一塌糊涂!一听就知道是中年妇女
❸ 南京地铁报站语音
❹ 南京地铁里的播报乃乃乃乃是什么意思
❺ 南京新街口地铁站,地铁里报的英语原文是什么什么准备换乘2号线之类的……
We are now at Xinjiekou station, please get ready to ... Metro line 2.
❻ 哪里有南京地铁到站的音乐(叮叮叮)(前方到站…叮噔叮噔)中英文播报的音频文件