
『壹』 用英语介绍成都地铁

优点: Advantages
1.候车环境比较舒适(More comfortable waiting environment )
2.站台使用的是屏蔽门,比较安全 (The platform use the screen door to ensure safety)
3.地铁车站文化方面,凸显了城市特色(Cultural aspects ,The subway station highlight the city characteristic )
4.与其他交通工具衔接的好,换乘较方便( Good linking with other transportation tools and its convenient to make the transfer)

对乘客来讲:For passengers
能快速安全的进站, 较短的候车时间, 舒适的乘车环境,及时出站 最为重要(…….are the mainly important factors ) Drawing into the station in quickly and safety mode, Shorter waiting time,Comfort travelling environment Departure on time
对地铁公司:For metro
地铁安全;Subway/Metro security
尽可能提高服务水平;Improve service level as far as possible

『贰』 成都公交车上的英文广播具体是什么内容

成都公交车上的英文广播具体是什么内容为:Ladies and gentlemen,may I have your attention,please.for your and others' safety , please do not carry any explosive ,combustible and Poisonous stricks on the bus.
其中“请不要挟带易燃、易爆、有毒等危险品上车”可以翻译为“please do not carry any explosive ,combustible and Poisonous stricks on the bus.”

『叁』 成都地铁科比退役剪切视屏英文女声歌曲

今晚《NBA最前线》送别科比的歌曲是德国女歌手Sarah Connor与来自美国的前夫Marc Terenzi所演唱的《Just one last dance》

『肆』 成都地铁1号线每个站的英文


『伍』 急急急~成都地铁1号线和2号线站点 英文。


『陆』 北京地铁官方上为何用英文单词 “subway ”,但上海、成都地铁却用 “metro”


『柒』 成都地铁上放的英文歌女声唱的

Have a Nice Day
歌手:Bon Jovi
所属专辑:Have a Nice Day
Bon Jovi - Have A Nice Day
Why you wanna tell me how to live my life
Who are you to tell me if it s black or white
Mama can you help me try to understand
Is innocence the difference between a boy and a man
My daddy lived a lie
Its just the price that he paid
Sacrificed his life just slaving away
Ohhh if there s one thing I hang onto

『捌』 用全英文介绍成都地铁的作文

The people usually had the desire which goes out, if you proced have gone out the traveling the desire, Cheng was the destination which you might consider, Cheng is Sichuan's provincial capital city, located at the Chinese southwest Cheng plain, one toured to this may let you understand Cheng's joyful life style, the native of Cheng by theirs leisurely and carefree being famous, Cheng is a culture and the historical famous city, ring

『玖』 为什么,成都地铁1号线“天府广场站”和“锦城广场站”的英文读音怎么不一样呢

天府广场和锦城广场不是同一个地方,square: 广场; 正方形; 方格; Plaza:市场,购物中心;

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