
1. 你是乘公共汽车还是乘坐地铁去上学英文

Are you going to school by bus or subway?

2. 你可以乘地铁或乘公共汽车去上班英文

You can go to work by subway or by bus.

3. 你可以乘地铁英文you can by metro可以吗

没有谓语与宾语。can 只是情态动词。
You can go there by metro

4. 翻译英文 我们将乘地铁去市中心,然后换乘公交车。

We will go to the country center by subway,and then take the bus

5. 你可以乘坐地铁到市中心的英文和谐音

You can get to the downtown by subway.

6. 乘坐公共汽车17、69、59等路,地铁2号线的英文句子翻译

" 乘坐公共汽车17、来69、59等路,地铁源2号."
" You may take bus No. 17, 69, and 59, or Metro Line 2."

"你可以乘坐公交17,69,59等路, 或地铁2号线到达那里。"
" You can get there by bus No. 17, 69. and 59, or by Metro Line 2."


7. 开往某某方向的公交车或地铁英语怎么说,比如乘坐往人民广场方向的地铁火车往火车站方向的公交车,谢谢!

This is the bus/subway heading to xxx

This is the bus/subway towards the direction of xxx

This is the subway heading to Renmin Square/Plaza
This the bus towards train station.

8. 超急的英语翻译!!!各位大侠帮个忙

1.We may ride the 952B public transportation to go to the people's square. 我们可以乘952B公交车去人民广场。

2.We may ride the subway 2 lines to go to the Zhongshan Park. 我们可以乘地铁2号线去中山公园。

3.We may ride the magnetic suspension train to go to the Pudong international airport. 我们可以乘磁悬浮列车去浦东国际机场。

4.We may ride the subway 1 line to go to the mellon town square. 我们可以乘地铁1号线去梅隆镇广场。

5.We may ride 933 groups public transportations, is transferring the subway 2 lines to go to the Shanghai Science and technology museum. 我们可以乘933路公交车,在换乘地铁2号线去上海科技馆。

9. 我们可以坐公交和地铁去上学来保持城市干净用英文怎么说

  • We can go to school by bus and subway to keep our city clean.

  • 我们可以坐公交和地铁去上学来保持城市干净

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