

  顺手采纳答案   湖北省博物馆 的英文是the museum of HuBei Province


  Art Museum

中国刀剪剑博物馆 英文名翻译

  The Chinese knife cuts the sword museum 中国刀剪剑博物馆   China fans the job museum 中国扇业博物馆   Chinese umbrella job museum 中国伞业博物馆   Chinese clever artisan competitive products museum 中国巧匠精品博物馆


  公园 park饭店 restaurant 机场 airport邮局 post office 图书馆 library旅馆 hotel 花园 garden学校 school 警察局 police station车站 station 电影院 cinema医院hospital超市 supermarket银行 bank 操场 playground 书店 bookstore


  博物馆   [词典] museum; repository;   [例句]我们已经和那家博物馆建立了联系。   We had already established contact with the museum   他1974年从博物馆退休了。   In 1974 he retired from the museum.


  shaanxi province art museum。从他们邀请函上抄下来的,没有问题。


  辽宁省博物馆   [网络] Liaoning Provincial Museum;   [例句]辽宁省博物馆新馆新展览   A New Building and Exhibitions for the Liaoning Province Museum

冬宫(俄罗斯的埃米塔什博物馆) 英文名是什么?

  冬宫: Winter Palace   以下是英文介绍:   Located between the Palace Embankment and the Palace Square, the Winter Palace (Russian: Зимний Дворец) in Saint Petersburg, Russia was built between 1754 and 1762 as the winter residence of the Russian tsars.   Designed by Bartolomeo Rastrelli, the Rococo-style, green-and-white palace has 1,786 doors and 1,945 windows. Catherine the Great was its first imperial occupant.   The Palace is now part of a complex of buildings known as the State Hermitage Museum which holds one of the world's greatest collections of art. As part of the Museum, many of the Winter Palace's 1,057 halls and rooms are open to the public. The Military Gallery, opened in 1826, accommodates 332 portraits of military leaders of the Russian army during the Napoleon's invasion of Russia.   After the February Revolution in Russia, the Winter Palace was the headquarters of the Russian Provisional Government.   The assault of the Winter Palace by Bolshevik forces was the official milestone of the October Revolution.

西安汉阳陵博物馆 英文名

  Xi'an Hanyangling Museum     

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