
请用英语写一篇 你最想去哪个国家旅游。100字以上噢。最好是写日本的

  France is my most mecca, there's a towering the Eiffel Tower, magnificent grandeur of Notre Dame DE Paris, charming small town, beautiful streets...... In my opinion, all of France, like a fine oil painting, flawless.   Came to France, the Eiffel Tower is the first place I travel. It is known as the "cloud MuNv", is built in 1889 in Paris, France in the square of hollow out god of war Eiffel Tower structure, is 320 meters high. Due to the unique design uncanny Eiffel Tower, so it becomes the French and Paris a major attractions and prominent symbol.   When I got on the as high as 300 meters tower, I as if place oneself in the clouds, pieces of white clouds float from my side, as white gauze general. In the evening, here the night picturesque, numerous light like kam, the intertwined such as nets the street lamps, such as bright stars generally, shining with flowery light. The whole Paris are lit, glaring multicolored beautiful glory! At the moment, noisy Paris suddenly quiet down. The Paris all in my feet, really "bullying, list the Paris Eiffel Tower will be small!"   In France the second leg of the tour, I will come to a elegant charming small town-cannes. Cannes lying in the castle peak feet, shore of the Mediterranean. White buildings, blue sea, and rows of tall palm trees green became here special scenery, make here a gorgeous scenery south form. No wonder people put awarded prizes for the best film "JinZongLvJiang"! The golden beach rippling the clean water, the sea breeze soft fluttering, make here look is so a small fine. I walk on the beach, intoxicated in the beautiful scenery. Enjoy the warm sunshine here wants, and the taste of life...... nice here   Now that the French, the necessary taste of the wonderful food is here. The French people always with good to eat and eat in is famous for French dinner is still in the world is the head of the western food. French food more exquisite and eat a half cooked or raw food, and pay attention to taste. In wine to taste have strict rules, such as clear soup with wine, seafood, etc with brandy, with various liqueur is made from brandy or dessert. Eating these with bouquet dishes, product with a cup of delicious wine, it is too good. I think, perhaps this is everybody says the French for "food" is the important reasons for it.   I like the French, if I really in France, I will enjoy the good time there. If I in France, I really want to put in France good experiences and friends...   日语的没有


  想去美国,因为现在世界格局出现处于紧张的状态,国家的崛起到一定程度上以后,会在经济上会声称很大的包袱。可利用能源已经满足不了多数国家的供给之后就会产生弱肉强食的局面。你要想过的太平又想长久,那么一定要站在巨人的肩膀上,这是从安全问题上说的。   从文化背景和自然环境上来说美国这个国家都在世界上都可以名列前茅


  I will go to Hainan this summer holiday.   As I've never been there before, and my freinds also recommend it to me.   I will travel with my parents and stay there for a week.   We will take a plane there, as it is the fastest way.   We will go to the beach to enjoy the sun.   I am going to swim in the sea for the first time.   We will also try some local sea food and frest fruit.   I am looking forward to it very much.   这个暑假我要去海南。   我从来没有去过那里,我的朋友也推荐它给我。   我将旅行和我的父母,在那里呆一个星期。   我们将乘飞机,因为它是最快的方式。   我们就去海滩享受阳光。   我将第一次在海里游泳。   我们还将尝试一些当地的海鲜和水果弗列斯特。   我非常期待它。


  You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks. Which country would you like to visit? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.   If I could visit any foreign country, I’d like to visit Ireland. The scenery there is so beautiful . Ireland has a lot of rain and that makes everything very green and lush . It hasn’t become a completely industrialized country yet, so there are still areas where the countryside is unspoiled by pollution.   Often ,you can drive for miles without seeing another car or coming to a big city. I’d like to take my set of paints and several canvases and try to capture some of the scenes there. It seems every way you turn, you’re looking at beautiful scenery.   The area near the ocean is especially dramatic, with giant dark cliffs rising out of the water.   I also think I’d enjoy the slower pace of Ireland. It’s so different from the busy pace of my country .   Of course, Ireland’s big cities are just as hectic as any big city anywhere. But many of the Irish live in smaller towns or on farms in rural areas. Visiting these places is very restful. People don’t feel the need to stick to a schedule .   您有机会到外国访问两周。你想哪个国家访问?请给出具体原因及细节来说明你的选择。   如果我可以访问任何外国,我想访问爱尔兰。那里的风景真是太美了。爱尔兰有很大的雨,这让一切都非常绿意盎然。它并没有成为一个完全工业化的国家还,所以仍有一些农村被污染的未受污染的区域。   通常情况下,你可以驾驶的里程没有看到另一辆车或来到一个大城市。我希望把我的一套油漆和几个画布,并尝试捕捉一些场景那里。似乎每次开机的方式,你看美丽的风景。   附近的海洋区域尤其显着,具有巨大的黑崖上升出来的水。   我也觉得我会喜欢爱尔兰的步伐放缓。这是从我国的忙碌的脚步如此不同。   当然,爱尔兰的大城市都一样的大城市任何地方忙碌。但是,许多爱尔兰人居住在小城镇或农村地区的农场。参观这些地方很宁静。人们不觉得有必要坚持一个时间表。




  This summer, I want to go to France. France is a country full of history and fine arts. I would like to visit the palaces that kings and princes used to live in, especially the Versailles. I also want to visit all the beautifully decorated cathedrals in France. Since I am interested in art, visiting the Louvre would be ideal.   大概就是这样吧,可以自己再加几句,讲讲奥赛博物馆啊,巴黎圣母院啊,芭蕾舞剧啊之类的


  I want to go to Lisbon, where like an ancient castle, I'm amazed by her beauty. Stand the ceramic tile of building, the design of the pebbles, our small wine trolley, a river to the Atlantic, makes me feel back to the era of great explorers. This is a romantic city, like fairy tale beautiful medieval town in fairy tales.

你希望去哪个国家旅游?为什么? (请用英文表达)

  I like Singapore very much.because Singapore is near the equator meanwhile the weather is too fine,besides that it is the most cleanest country.Moreover it's fashionable to go to Singapore for your holidays.


  建议把标签改成作文,会有很多人回答。   It was last Saturday that we went to the seashore.   As it is a long distance to the seashore,as a result,we spent several hours getting there.As soon as we arrived there,we were so happy that we could't help putting up the tent immediately.After that,we told stories,sang and play games with each other as well.   After this activity,though we were so exhausted,we felt very happy.What a great experience it was!

用英语来介绍自己最想去的三个国家 具体景点!!!速度速度!!急需急需!!谢谢


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