

  你好。人们喜欢旅游   翻译成英语是:People   like   to   travel.   ——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。


  许多人喜欢旅游   Many people like travelling.


  I like travel very much. I often go to travel. It meets a lot of people when traveling. It can touch not only the person but also the region. Therefore, it comes to want to go even times how many.     I was traveling and all the people met had a very warm mind. It was very kind. There is a person who taught variety of land, too. I do not think meeting with two another degrees in the person. However, I do not think that I forget. Because, The reason is that there are a lot of very good memories.      Therefore, travel is not stopped. It went to not only the country but also foreign countries. The communication of the intention can have been done with the person in the country though the word did not run well. However, I thought that the handicap of the word was large. I thought it was good if the word could be understood more many times. Therefore, I think that I should study the language study more. It can meet the one different according to the land when traveling. The tourist spot is, and there is a lot of one not so either. There are a lot of very good points of the place taught to the person in local. Therefore, it is always made to speak. I have not traveled still alone. I want to go out to travel alone sometimes. How about you? Traveling with someone is also good. However, I yearn to the solitary journey very much. It is not, and yearns for the destination to free travel. I want to go out to unrestrained travel some time.      Finally, I yearn to the solitary journey. However, I do not hate tour travel. I think that there is a merit also in the tour. I think that traveling with the person who does not know also has the enjoyment. However, I like independent tour more. Which do you like?   翻译:   我非常喜欢旅游。我经常去旅行。它在旅行中遇到很多人。它不仅能接触人,而且能触及区域。因此,它要去的次数甚至是多少。   我在旅行,所有的人都很热情。真是太好了。有一个人也教过各种各样的土地。我不认为在人身上有两个不同的程度。但是,我不认为我忘记了。因为,原因是有很多很好的回忆。   [h.hiphotos.baidu.com]   因此,旅行是不会停止的。它不仅流向了国家,而且流向了外国。尽管这个词运行得不好,但是这个意图的交流还是可以在这个国家的人身上完成的。然而,我认为这个词的缺陷是很大的。我认为如果这个词能被更多的理解就好了。因此,我认为我应该更多地学习语言学习。旅行时,它可以根据陆地的不同而有所不同。旅游景点是,还有很多不是这样的。在当地教给人的地方有很多很好的地方。因此,它总是被用来说话。我还没有独自旅行。我有时候想独自出去旅行。你呢?和某人一起旅行也很好。然而,我非常渴望独自旅行。它不是,向往自由旅行的目的地。我想出去游一段时间。   最后,我渴望孤独的旅程。但是,我并不讨厌旅游。我认为巡演中也有优点。我想和不认识的人一起旅行也有乐趣。不过,我更喜欢独立旅游。你喜欢哪一种?


  Some people like going out for fun.


  你好。人们喜欢旅游 翻译成英语是:People like to travel.     ——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。


  哦 顺便说一下,我目前上的ABC天卞英语中心的导师和我们说过,若要学好英语是很容易的..一定需要个符合的研习环境和实习口语对象 最关键就是外教水平,标准口音(建议找欧美外教)非常重要,持续经常口语沟通 1v1加强化教学才能有非常.好.的进步效率。完成课堂后同样要复习听取课程录音音频,把所学知识融会贯通 如果真的无对象可练习的状况下 最好能去 VOA或爱思获得课余教材研习,多问多听不知不觉的英语水平会进步许多 学习效果应该可以达成目标的;1More and more families to buy a car People travel more The life of a well-off, better living conditions


  旅行:travel、journey、tour   1、travel:英 [ˈtrævl] 美 [ˈtrævəl]   n.旅行; 进行; 移动; 漫游   vi.旅行; 传送; 前进,行进; [篮球]走步   vt.经过,通过; 游历   2、journey:   vt.在…旅行;旅行到过(某地)   n.旅行,旅程行期;历程,过程   vi.旅行,出游   vt.在…旅行或旅行到过…   3、tour:[英][tʊə(r)]  [美][tʊr]   n.旅行,观光;巡回演出;任职期;轮班;   vt.到…旅游;在…巡回演出;   vi.观光;巡回;   第三人称单数:tours过去分词:toured复数:tours现在进行时:touring过去式:toured        扩展资料     travel示例:   1、You had better travel to Helsinki tomorrow.   你最好明天赶赴赫尔辛基。   2、In formationon travel in NewZealand is available atthe hotel.   新西兰的旅行信息可以在宾馆获取。   参考资料:[baike.baidu.com]   [baike.baidu.com]  [baike.baidu.com]


  She likes traveling. 或者 She likes to travel.


  我们每年都去旅行   every   year   we   go   to   travel   很高兴为您解答,不理解请追问,满意请点右上角选为满意答案,谢谢!

喜欢旅游 英文怎么说

  I like travelling.   学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*)   请及时采纳,多谢!

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