
求英文翻译: 「你可以带我去你们国家著名的景点游玩,伦敦有很多地方我想去看看」

  You can take me to visit the famous scenic spots in your country. There are many places in London. I want to see it.


  你好     It has many tourist attractions   它有很多旅游景点     tourist attractions 旅游景点     若有疑问及时追问,如满意请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢!O(∩_∩)O


  我还去了无锡,去了那里的很多景点   全部释义和例句>>I also went to Wuxi, went to a lot of places   我还去了无锡,去了那里的很多景点   全部释义和例句>>I also went to Wuxi, went to a lot of places


  答案是:I want to go to and visit London or Paris   ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~


  I want you to take me to visit the scenic spots   want用法   例句:   1.   就像一个地方-你想让我带你去吗?   Like a place to-you want me to go show you?


  London is Britain's political, economic, cultural, financial center,and a famous tourist attraction in the world.


  亲爱的,   我们去旅游吧!   我带着你,   你带着钱。   普吉也好,   纯泰也罢,   横穿   马六甲海峡,   暴走   阿尔卑斯山脉。   让我们来一场   说走就走的旅行!   我带着你,   你带着钱。   哪怕是天涯,   哪怕是海角!   我带着你,   亲爱的,   你带着钱!   你一定要带着钱啊!   一定啊!!   我还要买郁金香呢!


  听欧美的歌曲看欧美的电影是必须的,听歌看电影过程中学他们的口音和用词,别找老师一点用都没有。老师的口音一点都不地道,而且用词也全都是小学课本里的。有外教就最好了。   说话时不要压低嗓音,这点自己深有感受,我同学一直听不清我在说什么。所以英语还不是太标准之前就请尽量清晰点说话吧。


  Why do people like travelling?   Travel, popular point is to play outside. Probably all love at all times and in all countries. Confucius from Sichuan to play Li Bai travel through all the kingdoms, to the Mount Lu in Jiangxi, Xu Xiake loves of his life in China landscape. From the age of twenty-two, traveling around the country, exploring the mysteries of nature. Hiking for 34 years, footprints all over the river north and South investigated and recorded the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other provinces and cities in more than 20 mountains terrain. Abroad, Marco Polo, Dias, Columbo, Gama Magellan, they or introduced the Oriental civilization, or discovered the new route, the new continent. These are famous people whose tourism purposes are certainly not the same as those of us.. Confucius traveled around the world to preach his claim of governing a country, Li Bai is because the rich flavor of the gallant, before enter the Changan travel is in order to expand your horizons; the Changan after is to spit the timid gas. Xu Xiake is to study and look at the brave the wind and dew, travel over land and water. These famous tourism home and abroad are in order to achieve some of their aspirations and across the ocean, had all kinds of hardships. We mortal travel not so high pursuit. Many people travel all over the world, neither leave cliff stone, did not leave a semi travelogue. Most of the p......


  你好!   咨询伦敦的著名景点等情况   Consult London's famous tourist attractions, etc.

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