

  Guangzhou   Guangzhou also called Yangcheng. Guangzhou is a beautiful city in China, but it’s very noisy . The population of Guangzhou is about seven million two hundred thousand .Guangzhou is a good place to visit. In Guangzhou, there are many beautiful parks, museums, temples, etc.There are also many interesting places such as White Cloud Mountain, Yuexiu Park, the long grand amusement park and so on. So many people like going to visit Guangzhou. An other reason people like to visit Guangzhou is it has convenient traffic. No matter wherever you go , the public transit is very convenient, there are subways, a bad one of only feeling is that there were too many people while taking the bus.And you can eat many famous and delicious foods in Guangzhou, dimsum is the most delicious food I think. Guangzhou has a long history of about two thousand one hundred years. I like Guangzhou very much.   广州   广州也叫羊城.中国广州是一个美丽的城市,但它很嘈杂.广州的人口大约有七十亿零二十万.广州是一个参观的好地方.在广州有许多美丽的公园、博物馆、寺庙等等.也有许多有趣的地方,如白云山,越秀公园,长期在广州大游乐园.所以很多人喜欢去广州.人们喜欢去广州另一个原因是它有便利的交通.不管你去某个地方,公共交通很方便,有地铁,一个仅有的糟糕的感觉是,有太多的人而坐公车.你在广州可以吃许多著名和美味的食物,我想点心是最美味的食物.广州有大约二千一百年的悠久历史,我非常喜欢广州.


  Lu Xun Memorial Park in Guangzhou Guangzhou Lu Xun Memorial Park which covers an area of more than 2600 square meters, the investment of more than 2700 yuan park is a Lu Xun in January, 1927 - September footprint in Guangzhou to live and work as the main line, in memory of Mr. Lu Xun's glorious life as the theme, Guangzhou first named after the famous names Ji... Baiyun Mountain scenic area people often use "Baiyun Zhuhai" to refer to Guangzhou, this "white cloud" refers to the Baiyun Mountain. Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area in the north of Guangzhou City, about 17 kilometers away from the urban area is nine mountains of South extension, known as "the first mountain the South Vietnam," said. It is said that every fall, often white clouds slowly rise, so that a side of the mountain into a long white clouds, like a veil, and hence the name. Baiyun Mountain by more than 30 peaks cluster assembly formed and the whole mountain area of 28 square kilometers, the peak Moxing Zhongshan Memorial Hall in Guangzhou Zhongshan Memorial Hall is a magnificent octagonal building, the grand solemn appearance, with strong ethnic characteristics. Designers cleverly use the structure principle of construction mechanics, with a steel frame and reinforced concrete mixed structure, the span of 71 meters of architectural space does not set up a pillar, more show magnificent. Mark hall and garden with area of 62000 square meters, the main building area of 6600 square met......

广州旅游很有趣 英语作文

  从小到大,我参加过许多的旅游。可是,最难忘的一次,依然是2008年的那个夏天。    那天,我和爸爸、妈妈等人,早早地就坐上了旅游车,向着目的地——青岛出发。在车上,我和表妹东看看,西瞧瞧,觉得很新奇,但过了一会儿,我们渐渐地累了,又渐渐地睡着了……   等醒来的时候,妈妈告诉我们青岛已经到了。于是,我和表妹便迫不及待地拉开了窗帘。就在那一刹那,我看见了我早已梦寐以求的大海,那里的天似一块晶莹剔透的翡翠,那里的沙子又似一粒粒金光闪闪的金子,海水和天就像是连在一起的一样。虽然隔着钢化玻璃,但我好像已经听到了海浪呼啸的声音。    不一会儿,我们下了车,我情不自禁地向青海举世闻名的金沙滩跑去。海面上的海鸥在叽叽的叫着,仿佛是在热烈的欢迎我们的到来。过了一会儿,我们换上了泳衣,带着救生圈,向大海扑去。本来以为可以不用救生圈的,谁知那海浪那么大,一下就把我弄了个狗吃屎。不过这还不是最有趣的,最有趣的还是在离海边远一点的地方玩的事。   我们慢慢的向远方游去,一直到踩不到底的地方才停下。妈妈觉得好奇,便让我看看底下有什么。我低下头去,一看,哇!下面有许多漂亮的小贝壳,当我正沉浸在幻想中时,突然游来了几条粉色的小鱼,可漂亮了。我本来想捉住它们的,没想到的是,还没等我反应过来,它们就已经逃跑了。   最后,我们开心的回到了旅馆。


  【My Holiday Plan】When the day comes , I am going to travel Guangzhou in 3 days. The first day, I will attend to Guangzhou by train and set in the Garden Hotel at night. There are an famous saying goes that East or West ,Canton food is the Best. It makes me to taste the delicious food in Guangzhou in the next day. Then , traveling around the city in Pearl River .Last day, I will ^……^


  a   travel   i   went   to   beijing   with   my   parents   last   winter   holiday   .we   went   there   by   plane   .it   took   me   about   two   hours   to   go   there.we   went   to   see   the   great   wall,the   summer   palace   and   many   other   places   of   interest.the   weather   there   was   very   cold,and   sometimes   it   snowed   .but   i   had   a   happy   time   there.   next   year   i   hope   i   can   go   there   again!   一个旅行   我去过北京和我的父母去那儿度假。我们去年冬天乘飞机,我花了大约两小时到那里去。我们去看长城,颐和园和其他许多地方的兴趣。那儿的天气很冷,有时还会下雪,但是我过得很愉快。   明年我希望我能去那里了!


  For I want to spend my holiday fully,so I plan to go on a trip,I want to go to hongkong for 2 weeks,because it is not only a shopping paradise but also   The heaven for children.   It’s very far away ,so I plan to go there by plane,it is the most convenient way to go there,   And I decided to stay there for 2 weeks ,while I can thoroughly to feel the local customs there   I also want to go taiwan,I want to go to a concert in xiaojudan,such as listen to a concert .   英语作文 旅游计划   包括以下内容   1.你要去哪   2.打算去几天   3.怎样去   4.如果坐火车,你打算做软卧还是硬卧   5.多会去   6.呆多长时间   7.打算怎样度过你的假期   8.你想去看那些名胜


  独龙族人叫“卡雀哇”。是独龙族一年里唯一的节日。他们以十二月二十九日为除夕,三十日为新年之首。   相传很久以前,独龙江畔生活着兄弟二人。他们自幼失去父母,以深山老林为家,以弩射猎,苦度光阴。一天,兄弟俩身背长刀,手执硬弩,来到担打力卡雪山上的必拉桶打猎。这天天空乌云密布,禽兽不出巢穴。待到午后,才见到一只瘦小的岩羊。兄弟二人,分头包抄。哥哥迷失了方向,撵进了一个群峰竞秀,危岩兀立的高山深谷。   当夜幕笼罩山峦时,弟弟到事先约好的地方等候。可是,等呀等,一弯月亮挂上了高黎贡山的山尖,也不见哥哥的踪影,弟弟带着一颗焦虑的心,钻进深山峡谷,去找自己唯一的亲人。不知翻过多少个山头,穿过多少条急流深涧,整整找了九年零十一个月又二十九天。就在十二月三十日这天,哥哥突然回来了。兄弟俩见面,悲喜交集,哥哥悲切地对弟弟说:“我的好弟弟,不是哥哥忍心把你丢下,自从我们弟兄失散,我被一个恶魔困在龙潭虎穴。恶魔见你寻找哥哥心切,自今天开始,让我每年十二月三十日回来与你见面。”哥哥接着说,“我们相会的这一天就是岁尾年首,就把它称作过年吧。”弟弟为了庆贺弟兄散失后的团聚,特地为哥哥准备了用各种珍禽异兽做成的菜肴和用各种谷物做成的米饭。吃罢晚饭,弟弟为能与哥哥相会激动万分,敲起锘锣,燃起火把,请出山寨里的父老兄弟,把这个喜讯告诉大家,让哥哥和乡亲们一起欢歌乐舞。从此,兄弟相会这一日就成为独龙族人的独龙年。   节日里,每个氏族和部落都要集体猎取野物;杀猪羊,猎物分给各家各户。部落主妇则将年食分送给每个家庭。他们称为“分食”。过去,在除夕就餐时必须等部落的每一个成员到齐,缺少一人,则不开锅。岁首清晨,曙光初照,山寨里就响起了锘锣。迎接新的一年的来到。早餐过后,人们随着锘锣的敲响,不约而同地来到山寨的旷地,用古朴的习俗,欢庆新年。人们不分年岁、性别、家庭,大家手牵着手,跳起本民族的传统舞蹈。长老们用编制精巧的独龙藤器,盛着可口的菜肴,以传统的方式给每个人分食。一时间,歌唱声、欢呼声、舞步声交织在一起。   无论饮酒、吃饭和吃肉,独龙族家庭内部都由主妇分食。客人来临也平均分给一份。   入夜后男子在火塘边喝酒念祝词,然后将酒碗抛在火塘上的竹架上,以碗口朝天为吉兆。   独龙族非常好客,如遇猎获野兽或某家杀猪宰牛,便形成一种远亲近邻共聚盛餐的宴会。此外,独龙族还有招待素不相识过路人的习俗,对过路和投宿的客人,只要来到家中都热情款待。认为有饭不给客人吃,天黑不留客人住,是一种见不得人的事。他们有路不拾遗、夜不闭户的良好传统习尚,视偷盗为最可耻的行径。在独龙族进行一些原始的祭祀活动时,游客不能参观祭祀活动。


  Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to guangzhou   by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“Jane, don’t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happ


  I will go to Guangzhou.

关于我暑假去广州旅游的英语作文 不少于80词

  Last Saturday, I went to the zoo and parents. That morning, the weather was fine. We decided to go by bike, environmentally friendly and convenient. To the zoo, originally planned with the animals according to a like, a lot of zoo visitors, not the camera. In the afternoon it began to rain, the animals are sleeping. No umbrella, feeling tired and hungry. So we will return home.

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