
德国 天鹅堡的英文简介

  Neuschwanstein Castle (German: Schloss Neuschwanstein, pronounced [nɔʏˈʃvaːnʃtaɪn]) is a 19th-century Gothic Revival palace on a rugged hill above the village of Hohenschwangau near Füssen in southwest Bavaria, Germany. The palace was commissioned by Ludwig II of Bavaria as a retreat and as an homage to Richard Wagner.   The palace was intended as a personal refuge for the reclusive king, but it was opened to the paying public immediately after his death in 1886.[1] Since then over 60 million people have visited Neuschwanstein Castle.[2] More than 1.3 million people visit annually, with up to 6,000 per day in the summer.[3] The palace has appeared prominently in several movies and was the inspiration for Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle[4] and later, similar structures.   Neuschwanstein embodies both the contemporaneous architectural fashion known as castle romanticism (German: Burgenromantik), and Ludwig II's immoderate enthusiasm for the operas of Richard Wagner.In the 19th century many castles were constructed or reconstructed, often with significant changes to make them more picturesque. Palace-building projects similar to Neuschwanstein had been undertaken earlier in several of the German states and included Hohenschwangau Castle, Lichtenstein Castle, Hohenzollern Castle and numerous buildings on the River Rhine such as Stolzenfels Castle.[11] The inspiration for the construction of Neuschwanstein came from two journeys in 1867: One in May to the reconstructed Wartburg near Eisenach,[12] another in July to the Château de Pierrefonds, which Eugène Viollet-le-Duc was transforming from a ruined castle into a historistic palace.   In 1868, the ruins of the medieval twin castles were demolished completely; the remains of the old keep were blown up.[26] The foundation stone for the Palace was laid on September 5, 1869; in 1872 its cellar was completed and in 1876, everything up to the first floor. But the Gatehouse was finished first. At the end of the year 1873 it was completed and fully furnished, allowing Ludwig to take provisional lodgings there and observe the further construction work.[25] In 1874, direction of the civil works passed from Eduard Riedel to Georg von Dollmann.[27] The topping out ceremony for the Palas was in 1880, and in 1884, the king could move into the new building. In the same year the direction of the project passed to Julius Hofmann, after Dollmann had fallen in disgrace.   The palace was erected as a conventional brick construction and later encased with other types of rock. The white limestone used for the fronts came from a nearby quarry.[28] The sandstone bricks for the portals and bay windows came from Schlaitdorf in Württemberg. Marble from Untersberg near Salzburg was used for the windows, the arch ribs, the columns and the capitals. The Throne Hall was a later addition to the plans and required a steel framework.   The transport of building materials was facilitated by a scaffolding and a steam crane that lifted the material to the construction site. Another crane was used at the construction site itself. The recently founded Dampfkessel-Revisionsverein (Steam Boiler Inspection Association) regularly inspected both boilers.   Ludwig II (1886)   For about two decades the construction site was the principal employer of the region.[29] In 1880, about 200 craftsmen were occupied at the site,[30] not counting suppliers and other persons indirectly involved in the construction. At times when the king insisted on particularly close deadlines and urgent changes, reportedly up to 300 workers per day were active, sometimes at night by the light of oil lamps. Statistics from the years 1879/1880 support an immense amount of building materials: 465 t (513 short tons) of Salzburg marble, 1,550 t (1,710 short tons) of sandstone, 400,000 bricks and 2,050 m3 (2,680 cu yd) of wood for the scaffolding.   In 1870 a society was founded for insuring the workers, for a low monthly fee, augmented by the king. The heirs of construction casualties (30 cases are mentioned in the statistics) received a small pension.   In 1884 the king could move into the (still unfinished) Palas,[31] and in 1885, he invited his mother Marie to Neuschwanstein on the occasion of her 60th birthday.[nb 5] By 1886, the external structure of the Palas (hall) was mostly finished.[31] In the same year, Ludwig had the first, wooden Marienbrücke over the Pöllat Gorge replaced by a steel construction.   Despite its size, Neuschwanstein did not have space for the royal court, but contained only the king's private lodging and servants' rooms. The court buildings served decorative, rather than residential purposes:[10] The palace was intended to serve Ludwig II as a kind of inhabitable theatrical setting.[31] As a temple of friendship it was also devoted to life and work of Richard Wagner, who died in 1883 before he had set foot in the building.[32] In the end, Ludwig II only lived in the palace for a total of 172 days.   部分译文:   新天鹅堡(New Swan Stone Castle)是19世纪晚期的建筑,位于德国巴伐利亚西南方,邻近年代较早的高天鹅堡,距离菲森镇约4公里,离德国与奥地利边界不远。这座城堡是巴伐利亚国王路德维希二世的行宫之一。共有360个房间,其中只有14个房间依照设计完工,其他的346个房间则因为国王在1886年逝世而未完成由于白色城堡耸立在高高的山上,其四周环山和湖泊。所以一年四季,风光各异。但在这迷人与浪漫背后,却隐藏着一个年轻皇帝的悲剧。   这个皇帝无治世之才,却充满艺术气质。在新天鹅城堡的对面就是国王童年的夏宫,旧天鹅城堡,那高山平原大湖塑造了年轻国王那浪漫和童话色彩性格,使他萌生了建造新天鹅堡的灵感。他亲自参与设计这座城堡。里面有大量德国天鹅雕塑。他梦想将城堡建成为一个童话般的世界。他一生孤寂,不是面对政治密谋就是人身攻击。在那个革命的年代,他不满于自己徒有名衔的身份,试图改变而又不得其所,因而常与内阁中的长老意见相悖。他与著名作曲家瓦格纳的交往因过度挥霍,以及公私不分而遭内阁人士与人民的强烈反对。因为对现实不满,他致力于创造自己的童话世界。不料,却被举国上下一致反对,因为建造如此辉煌奢华的宫殿,他的国家陷入穷困。当这个城堡就要落成的前夕,1886年6月12日,这个单身富于幻想的当年轻国王最后一次视察了这个城堡的工程进度,返回慕尼黑的途,却消失在夜幕中,第二天清晨在湖中发现国王和医生的尸体. 而恰恰在此5天前,巴伐利亚国家医药委员会刚刚宣布路德维希二世患有精神病。当时他只有41岁。路德维希的死给他的家人留下了1500万马克的债务,也给世人留下了未完的梦。世事沧桑,后来德国人把路德维希二世的梦变成了现实,耗费巨资建成的新天鹅城堡,现在已成为德国的象征和世界著名景观。


  Neuschwanstein Castle (German: Schloss Neuschwanstein, pronounced [nɔʏˈʃvaːnʃtaɪn]) is a 19th-century Gothic Revival palace on a rugged hill above the village of Hohenschwangau near Füssen in southwest Bavaria, Germany. The palace was commissioned by Ludwig II of Bavaria as a retreat and as an homage to Richard Wagner.   The palace was intended as a personal refuge for the reclusive king, but it was opened to the paying public immediately after his death in 1886.[1] Since then over 60 million people have visited Neuschwanstein Castle.[2] More than 1.3 million people visit annually, with up to 6,000 per day in the summer.[3] The palace has appeared prominently in several movies and was the inspiration for Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle[4] and later, similar structures.   Neuschwanstein embodies both the contemporaneous architectural fashion known as castle romanticism (German: Burgenromantik), and Ludwig II's immoderate enthusiasm for the operas of Richard Wagner.In the 19th century many castles were constructed or reconstructed, often with significant changes to make them more picturesque. Palace-building projects similar to Neuschwanstein had been undertaken earlier in several of the German states and included Hohenschwangau Castle, Lichtenstein Castle, Hohenzollern Castle and numerous buildings on the River Rhine such as Stolzenfels Castle.[11] The inspiration for the construction of Neuschwanstein came from two journeys in 1867: One in May to the reconstructed Wartburg near Eisenach,[12] another in July to the Château de Pierrefonds, which Eugène Viollet-le-Duc was transforming from a ruined castle into a historistic palace.   In 1868, the ruins of the medieval twin castles were demolished completely; the remains of the old keep were blown up.[26] The foundation stone for the Palace was laid on September 5, 1869; in 1872 its cellar was completed and in 1876, everything up to the first floor. But the Gatehouse was finished first. At the end of the year 1873 it was completed and fully furnished, allowing Ludwig to take provisional lodgings there and observe the further construction work.[25] In 1874, direction of the civil works passed from Eduard Riedel to Georg von Dollmann.[27] The topping out ceremony for the Palas was in 1880, and in 1884, the king could move into the new building. In the same year the direction of the project passed to Julius Hofmann, after Dollmann had fallen in disgrace.   The palace was erected as a conventional brick construction and later encased with other types of rock. The white limestone used for the fronts came from a nearby quarry.[28] The sandstone bricks for the portals and bay windows came from Schlaitdorf in Württemberg. Marble from Untersberg near Salzburg was used for the windows, the arch ribs, the columns and the capitals. The Throne Hall was a later addition to the plans and required a steel framework.   The transport of building materials was facilitated by a scaffolding and a steam crane that lifted the material to the construction site. Another crane was used at the construction site itself. The recently founded Dampfkessel-Revisionsverein (Steam Boiler Inspection Association) regularly inspected both boilers.   Ludwig II (1886)   For about two decades the construction site was the principal employer of the region.[29] In 1880, about 200 craftsmen were occupied at the site,[30] not counting suppliers and other persons indirectly involved in the construction. At times when the king insisted on particularly close deadlines and urgent changes, reportedly up to 300 workers per day were active, sometimes at night by the light of oil lamps. Statistics from the years 1879/1880 support an immense amount of building materials: 465 t (513 short tons) of Salzburg marble, 1,550 t (1,710 short tons) of sandstone, 400,000 bricks and 2,050 m3 (2,680 cu yd) of wood for the scaffolding.   In 1870 a society was founded for insuring the workers, for a low monthly fee, augmented by the king. The heirs of construction casualties (30 cases are mentioned in the statistics) received a small pension.   In 1884 the king could move into the (still unfinished) Palas,[31] and in 1885, he invited his mother Marie to Neuschwanstein on the occasion of her 60th birthday.[nb 5] By 1886, the external structure of the Palas (hall) was mostly finished.[31] In the same year, Ludwig had the first, wooden Marienbrücke over the Pöllat Gorge replaced by a steel construction.   Despite its size, Neuschwanstein did not have space for the royal court, but contained only the king's private lodging and servants' rooms. The court buildings served decorative, rather than residential purposes:[10] The palace was intended to serve Ludwig II as a kind of inhabitable theatrical setting.[31] As a temple of friendship it was also devoted to life and work of Richard Wagner, who died in 1883 before he had set foot in the building.[32] In the end, Ludwig II only lived in the palace for a total of 172 days.




  新天鹅堡 ( Schloss Neuschwanstein )   城堡在国王路德维希二世时期从1868年起开始修建(设计者:爱德华·里德尔,从1874年起格奥尔格·多尔曼)。巨大的城堡修建于峭壁及河谷200米之上,首次对外开放于1886年的8月1日,即在路德维希过世后不久。孤寂的国君终将他朋友理查德·瓦格纳的歌剧变为现实。城堡正是由理查德·瓦格纳的歌剧《罗恩格林》中的天鹅骑士而得名的。它是德国最受欢迎的观光胜地,同时被称为世界上被拍摄过最多次的建筑,它甚至启发了美国迪斯尼乐园的睡美人城堡。   旧天鹅堡   Schwangau南面还有旧天鹅堡。这个新哥特风格的城堡是在1832至1836年间为马克西米利安二世国王修建的。城堡的内部是Fresken和Wilhelm Lindenschmitt根据Moritz von Schwind的创意,并结合古日耳曼神化装饰的。旧天鹅堡目前是属于私人拥有,不像新天鹅堡那样对公众随意开放,因此参观人数是受限的,以家庭团为主。从Schwangau步行约25分钟可到达城堡。   注意!旧天鹅堡的门票只有在Schwangau出售!


  天鹅堡位于拜恩州南部小城富森(Fuessen)近郊群峰中的一个小山峰上,富森位于山林、湖泊和阿尔卑斯山山坡的交集点。这里风景优美,如诗似画,是巴伐利亚洲最美的度假胜地。天鹅堡就位于这个美丽的德国小镇上。这座白墙蓝顶的神话城堡,早已成为富森的象征,也是当地人引以为傲的地标。因为这个古堡,严谨的德国人戴上了许多多情的桂冠。   沿着古老的盘山道蜿蜒而上,阳光从路旁的阔叶林的叶间漏下,道道光束洒在山路上,斑驳亮丽。半山腰,一条狭长的行桥跨越深涧悬崖,令人叹为观止。一个转弯,天鹅堡赫然展现在眼前,她屹立山巅,亭亭玉立,光芒四射。   从此拉开序幕,探幽的游人踏入一个如梦如幻的仙境。   站在富森天鹅堡的面前,在蔚蓝的天幕下,白色的古堡如展翅欲飞的天鹅,纯净而优雅,使人不由得感叹:此景只应天上有。   建造这座古堡的是巴伐利亚的国王路德维希二世,茜茜公主德表弟。在老国王突然去世后,18岁德路德维希二世仓促登基。此后,这位年轻国王德人生充满了唐吉诃德式德悲剧命运。他对政治毫无兴趣,却是个艺术方面的天才,狂热地崇拜音乐家瓦格纳。他是爱情完美主义者,追求茜茜公主失败,又与奥地利公主解除婚约后,他终身未娶,全身心投入到城堡的设计和建设中。   1869年路德维希二世受瓦格纳歌剧的启发和触动,按照歌剧中对白雪公主居住的城堡的描述,精心设计了一个城堡的蓝图,并亲自监督兴建,他与剧院的布景画家、舞台设计者一起绘制了无数草图,将城堡与天然景观融为一体,在清清湖水和幽幽山谷的掩映下,制造出如梦如幻的人间仙境。   但是,这座耗资巨大的城堡遭到了举国上下的一致反对。人们难以理解他偏执的生活,认定这个国王是个疯子。1886年,41岁的路德维希二世被他的臣民废黜,三天后,人们发现他死在城堡附近的河里,至今,他的死因仍是一个难解之谜。徒留这湖光山色中的梦幻城堡,成为巴伐利亚人心中永久的记忆。   经过后代的不断扩建,天鹅堡呈现出一塔为主,数塔相护的形态,被誉为“欧洲最美的古堡”。现在的天鹅堡内一如百年前一样富丽堂皇,随处可见镶金的装饰和华丽的陈设。从城堡的窗棂向外眺望,阿尔卑斯山的湖光山色一如既往,静静地守护着这一方清新脱俗的世界。   天鹅堡傲然独处,带着一层王子与公主式的浪漫,也带着一层孤芳自赏的寂寥。   现在,天鹅跌落凡间,每年有上百万人到此探访。出于对古堡的保护,参观者进入古堡后,不能随意走动。而要按照管理者事先安排好的路线依序参观。每到一处,游人都会听到关于路德维希二世的故事。他的人生瑰丽而孤独。执着而悲伤,百余年后,每个到访者依旧可以透过这座童话中的城堡感受到他的梦想、孤独和悲伤




  新天鹅堡(英:New Swan Stone Castle 德语:Schloss Neuschwanstein)全名新天鹅石城堡,是19世纪晚期的建筑,位于德国巴伐利亚西南方,邻近年代较早的高天鹅堡(Schloss Hohenschwangau,又称旧天鹅堡),距离菲森(Fussen)镇约4公里,离德国与奥地利边界不远。新天鹅城堡是德国的象征,1由于是迪斯尼城堡的原型,也有人叫白雪公主城堡。建于1869年。这座城堡是巴伐利亚国王路德维希二世的行宫之一。共有360个房间,其中只有14个房间依照设计完工,其他的346个房间则因为国王在1886年逝世而未完成。是德国境内受拍照最多的建筑物,也是最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。   


  德国十大著名景点简介如下:   *   新天鹅堡   新天鹅堡位于德奥边境,距离福森(Fuessen)镇约4公里,是德国旅游地当仁不让的Top One。迪士尼logo中的城堡就是以新天鹅堡为原型。   巴伐利亚国王路德维希二世亲自参与设计这座城堡,梦想将新天鹅堡打造成童话般的世界。城堡中拥有大量天鹅雕塑,因此得名。   新天鹅堡的建成部分均可参观,游览时间30-60分钟。   城堡游玩结束后您一定要去玛丽恩铁桥(Marienbrücke)观赏天鹅堡全景,就在城堡后方的山涧。      *   国王湖   国王湖位于德奥边境的小城贝希特斯加登,是形态狭长的高山湖泊。游览国王湖的较佳方式是坐船,但从10月中旬开始的冬半年船不到上湖,只到红顶小教堂。   徒步游览的话,您可以选择St. Bartholoma线路,脚力一般的话,建议走到上山的桥之后折返。 除了湖光山色,一定不能错过希特勒的生日贺礼——鹰巢。战时的鹰巢主要是希特勒和与盖世太保们玩乐和开会的地方,现今已成为山顶餐厅及展望台。      *   科隆大教堂   科隆大教堂是一个哥特式教堂。教堂内有许多珍稀的藏品,比如大教堂的设计图纸、大摆钟和东方三博士的遗骨。参观完毕您可以沿着塔楼内的300多级盘旋阶梯登顶,俯瞰科隆全景和莱茵河。塔楼入口就在教堂大门右手边。      *   宁芬堡宫   宁芬堡皇宫位于慕尼黑的西北郊,建于1664年,是公爵Ferdinand Maria为庆祝儿子Maximilian II Emanuel的诞生而修建的夏宫。   宫殿主楼雄伟壮观,呈几何式对称,反映了当时的主流建筑审美。众多展厅中值得一看的是中 国 之阁和群芳画廊,两厅分别陈列着中式壁纸屏风、瓷器漆器和出自宫廷画家之手的36幅美人画像。   宫殿后方的巴洛克式皇家花园有阿玛琳宫、浴宫和宝塔宫三座宫殿。其中,狩猎行宫阿玛琳宫的镜厅(Spiegelsaal)尤为奢华精致。      *   海德堡城堡   海德堡城堡矗立在王座山(Koenigstuhl)山顶,山脚下是海德堡老城和内卡河。   城堡由红色砂石建成,有八百多年历史,几经损毁,未修复的部分至今仍为残垣断壁。   城堡的建筑风格是哥特式、巴洛克式和文艺复兴式的奇妙混合,是德国文艺复兴时期的代表性建筑。进到城堡您一定要去看巨型的葡萄酒桶(Grosses Fass),可装下多达22万升酒。城堡内另有医药博物馆,展示了数百年前的药学,有兴趣的话可以逛逛。   *   新市政厅   新市政厅位于圣母广场,始建于19世纪末,是慕尼黑的城市名片。   华丽的新哥特式外墙和装点鲜花的阳台是新市政厅的符号,办公区域一般不对外开放,主要游览建筑外观。   市政厅钟楼矗立着欧洲第五大的木偶报时钟,每天固定敲钟报时并伴随音乐表演,从中世纪延续至今。钟楼音乐表演再现了1568年威廉五世公爵大婚和欢庆鼠疫结束的城市历史场景,以瓦格纳和勃拉姆斯的曲子为伴奏,持续10分钟。      *   高天鹅堡   高天鹅堡(又称旧天鹅堡),与新天鹅堡隔山相望,由当地一名骑士所修建。   修建了新天鹅堡的国王,路德维希二世曾在此度过孩提时代,其审美深受城堡的浪漫主义风格影响。      *   玛丽亚广场   圣母广场座落在老城中心,被誉为慕尼黑的心脏。   除了新市政厅,近旁还有老市政厅、圣母教堂、老彼得大教堂等热门景点,推荐一站式打卡。   广场四周各色餐馆和商场云集,是逛吃逛吃的好去处。购物街首推Kaufinger Straße,从圣母广场通往卡尔斯广场(Karlsplatz)的大街便是。   每年11月25日前后至12月24日,圣母广场还是慕尼黑圣诞市场所在地,冬季前往一定不要错过。      *   无忧宫   无忧宫是腓特烈大帝仿照巴黎的凡尔赛宫所建的夏宫。   宫殿建筑为洛可可风格,殿内的主要看点有图书馆(Bibliothek)、音乐厅(Konzertsaal)和大理石厅(Marmorhalle)。   无忧宫的花园非常特别,梯形的阶梯状露台种满了葡萄,园内随处可见巴洛克式的喷泉雕塑。花园尽头的新宫(Neues Palais)也是由腓特烈大帝所建,外观非常华丽。      *   勃兰登堡门   勃兰登堡门位于首都柏林市中心,有两百多年的历史。   建筑样式以雅典卫城城门为蓝本,门顶矗立着胜利女神铜像,象征着战争的胜利。   如今的城门和周围的巴黎广场 (Pariser Platz)成为人们欢庆 国 庆(10月3日)和观赏新年烟火的场所。   


  有两座天鹅堡,不知你说的是哪一个,就都找了,希望你能用得着   1新天鹅城堡   新天鹅城堡(Neuschwanstein Castle),又名“福森白雪公主城堡”(德语:Schloss Neuschwanstein),是座白墙蓝顶的神话城堡,坐落于德国拜仁州Fuessen小镇上,在阿尔卑斯山脉中,始建1869年。城堡的建造非常具有戏剧性。最初它是由巴伐利亚国王路德维希二世(King Ludwig II of Bavaria)的梦想所设计,国王是艺术的爱好者,一生受着瓦格纳歌剧的影响,他构想了那传说中曾是白雪公主居住的地方。他邀请剧院画家和舞台布置者绘制了建筑草图,梦幻的气氛、无数的天鹅图画,加上围绕城堡四周的湖泊,沉沉的湖水,美得如诗如画,宛如人间仙境,是德国的象征之一,被德国人引以为傲。 路德维希二世就是茜茜公主的表弟,据说,他一直暗恋茜茜公主,在他入住尚未完工的新城堡时,茜茜公主送了一只瓷制的天鹅祝贺,于是路德维希二世就将此城堡命名为新天鹅城堡。路德维希二世(King Ludwig II of Bavaria)并不喜欢政事,他专注于督促自己城堡的兴建,由于当时城堡的建造花费相当巨大,他被认为不适于统治而去位。国王生前并未看到自己的梦想完工,城堡是后人逐年完成,因此今日所见的城堡有着前人与后人合作的痕迹。现在,每年有百万人到此探访,这可能是国王当初没有想到的。   2旧天鹅堡   天鹅堡是马克西米利安二世(Maximilian II)改建一座12世纪古堡而成的,这座新哥特式的鲜黄色城堡,非常具有中古世纪神话的风味。这座宫殿的游客比起新天鹅堡,要少多了,但却比较真实,因为马克西米利安二世的皇后-玛丽,就长期住在这里。 旧天鹅堡的黄色建筑,在外观上虽然没有新天鹅堡那样的迷人和梦幻,但是,旧天鹅堡里有比新天鹅还丰富的馆藏



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