

  多次入境的意思是随便进入 次数不限   需要看一下是否有une duree de sejour maximale 的字样 如果有则是你在法国境内(申根签则是在申根境内)不能超过的最多停留天数 是你所有停留天数的合计   如果没有 则是默认为180天内不能停留超过90天 这180天从你第一次入境开始计算


  France is my most desirable places, which boasts towering Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame magnificent magnificent, charming town, beautiful streets ...... In my opinion, all the French are like a fine Like painting, perfect.   Came to France, the Eiffel Tower was the first place I travel. It has been hailed as "the cloud Munv" is a 1889 built on the Champ de Mars in Paris Eiffel Tower hollow structure, 320 meters high. Since the tower design quirky and unique, and thus become an important attraction and prominent flag of France and Paris.   When I boarded the tower up more than 300 meters, I feel like being in the clouds, a piece of white clouds drifting away from me, like white yarn in general. In the evening, the night here picturesque, numerous bright lights, such as those intertwined network of street lights, such as bright stars in general, flashing a brilliant light. The whole of Paris were lit, shining glorious gorgeous gorgeous! All of a sudden, noisy Paris suddenly quiet. All Paris all in my feet, really. "When Ling Tower, Paris glance little ah!"   望采纳




  首先申根签证拒签并不会对下一次有那么大的影响 这点是肯定的 我看过太多拒签后重新签证签过的。   第二申根签证有技巧的 随便在哪个国家拿到申根签证都是可以去申根境内任何一个国家的。然而在所有申根国内 法国的签证率算是很低的了 我建议下一次不要签法国 签意大利或者德国签证率都会搞很多   第三 你必须分析你的拒签原因 拒签的时候使馆都会告诉你为什么拒签 你必须按照这个重新准备     所以总结来说, 会有影响但是影响不大 只要你按照正确的方法准备 你的签过概率还是很高 具体的正确方法 有很多方面 比如动机信啊 比如面试啊 这里说不完 你可以搜索一下“欧洲客旅游论坛” 首页就有签证攻略 你也可以去要版主指导


  France is my most desirable places, which boasts towering Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame magnificent magnificent, charming town, beautiful streets ...... In my opinion, all the French are like a fine Like painting, perfect.   Came to France, the Eiffel Tower was the first place I travel. It has been hailed as "the cloud Munv" is a 1889 built on the Champ de Mars in Paris Eiffel Tower hollow structure, 320 meters high. Since the tower design quirky and unique, and thus become an important attraction and prominent flag of France and Paris.   When I boarded the tower up more than 300 meters, I feel like being in the clouds, a piece of white clouds drifting away from me, like white yarn in general. In the evening, the night here picturesque, numerous bright lights, such as those intertwined network of street lights, such as bright stars in general, flashing a brilliant light. The whole of Paris were lit, shining glorious gorgeous gorgeous! All of a sudden, noisy Paris suddenly quiet. All Paris all in my feet, really. "When Ling Tower, Paris glance little ah!"




  法国为申根国,一般情况下签证为一次有效,但西班牙和法国同为申根国(还包括意大利,葡萄牙,德国,奥地利,荷兰,比利时,希腊等),申根国之间旅行不需要过海关,就向你从上海飞北京或广州一样。所以你到西班牙再回法国的话是没有问题的。10天左右的行程,你可以在巴黎呆两三天,西班牙看看巴塞罗那和马德里。如果喜欢古迹的话,有时间到意大利的罗马看看。   我四月办的意大利的签证,去了意大利,西班牙,荷兰和法国四个国家,我在携程上发了巴塞罗那和鹿特丹的照片,有兴趣可以看看。


  I'm going to France tomorrow.





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