



  意大利东北部城市,亚得里亚海威尼斯湾西北岸重要港口。人口34.3万。主建于离岸4公里的海边浅水滩上,平均水深1.5米。由铁路、公路桥与陆地相连。由118个小岛组成,并以 180条水道、378座桥梁联成一体,以舟相通,有“水上都市”之称。公元452年兴建。八世纪为亚得里亚海贸易中心。十世纪曾建立城市共和国,中世纪为地中海最繁荣的贸易中心之一。新航路开通后,因欧洲商业中心渐移至大西洋沿岸而衰落。1866年并入意大利王国。工商业发达,有炼铝、化学、炼焦、化肥、炼油、钢铁等工业。以生产珠宝玉石工艺品、花边、刺绣等著称。陆上的马尔盖拉港是重要油港和客运港。驰名的旅游中心,年有3百万游客。古老的圣马可广场是城市活动中心,广场周围耸立着大教堂、钟楼等拜占庭和文艺复兴时期的建筑物。离岸2公里处的线状沙洲-利多是欧洲最著名的海滨浴场。威尼斯是一个美丽的水上城市,它建筑在最不可能建造城市的地方-水上,威尼斯的风情总离不开“水”,蜿蜒的水巷,流动的清波,她就好像一个漂浮在碧波上浪漫的梦,诗情画意久久挥之不去。这个城市,有一度曾握有全欧最强大的人力、物力和权势。威尼斯的历史相传开始于公元453年;当时威尼斯地方的农民和渔民为逃避酷嗜刀兵的游牧民族,转而避往亚德里亚海中的这个小岛。威尼斯外形像海豚,城市面积不到7.8平方公里,却由118个小岛组成,177条运河蛛网一样密布期间,这些小岛和运河由大约350座桥相连。整个城市只靠一条长堤与意大利大陆半岛连接。这里建筑的方法,是先在水底下的泥上打下大木桩,木桩一个挨一个,这就是地基,打牢了,铺上木板,然后就盖房子,这儿的房子无一不是这么建造的。所以有人说,威尼斯城上面是石头,下面是森林。当年为建造威尼斯,意大利北部的森林全被砍完了。这样的房子,也不用担心水下的木头烂了,它不会烂的,而且会越变越硬,愈久弥坚。此前考古者挖掘马可


  意大利和希腊之间有:爱奥尼亚海、地中海;希腊内部主要是一些海湾、海峡和河流,其中克里特海将希腊一分为二。   爱奥尼亚海是地中海的支海,在希腊以西、西西里岛以东和意大利东南之间。通过墨西拿海峡同第勒尼安海相连;通过奥特朗托海峡与亚得里亚海相通。   地中海是欧洲、非洲和亚洲大陆之间的一块海域。由北面的欧洲大陆(意大利、希腊),南面的非洲大陆(埃及)和东面的亚洲大陆(以色列、叙利亚、土耳其)包围着,西面通过直布罗陀海峡与大西洋相连。   克里特海位于希腊东南,是爱琴海的南部分支。处于伯罗奔尼撒半岛、基克拉泽斯群岛和克里特岛之间,将希腊一分为二。      扩展资料:   地中海附属海域:   1、巴利阿里海:巴利阿里群岛和欧洲大陆之间的海域;   2、利古里亚海:热那亚湾、科西嘉岛之间的海域。沿岸主要港口有尼斯、热那亚;   3、第勒尼安海:亚平宁半岛、科西嘉岛、撒丁岛之间的海域。沿岸主要港口有巴勒莫;   4、亚得里亚海:巴尔干半岛和亚平宁半岛之间的海洋,沿岸主要港口有威尼斯;   5、爱奥尼亚海:地中海的支海,在希腊以西、西西里岛以东和意大利东南之间;   6、爱琴海:巴尔干半岛、安纳托利亚半岛、克里特岛所包围的海域之间的海域;   7、马尔马拉海:世界上面积最小的海,是土耳其的内海,也是土耳其亚洲和欧洲部分分界线,东北经博斯普鲁斯海峡与黑海沟通,西南经达达尼尔海峡与爱琴海相连。   参考资料来源:[baike.baidu.com]   参考资料来源:[baike.baidu.com]   参考资料来源:[baike.baidu.com]   参考资料来源:[baike.baidu.com]   参考资料来源:[baike.baidu.com]


  A city of northeast Italy on islets within a lagoon in the Gulf of Venice, a wide inlet of the northern Adriatic Sea. Founded in the 5th century a.d. by refugees fleeing the Lombard invaders who had gained control of the mainland, it became a major maritime power by the 13th century and spread its influence over northern Italy by the 15th century. Its territories were gradually lost to the Turks, and in 1797 it passed to Austria. Venice was ceded to Italy in 1866. Population, 332,775.   威尼斯:意大利东北部的一个城市,位于亚得里亚海北部的一个宽阔的海湾威尼斯湾 里的一个泻湖内的众多小岛上。它在 公元 5世纪由逃离伦巴族侵略者的难民创建,这些侵略者已获得对大陆的控制权,到13世纪它已成为一个主要的海上强国并于15世纪把其影响扩及意大利的北部。它的领土后来逐渐为土耳其人所攻陷,并于1797年转让给了奥地利。威尼斯在1866年并入了意大利。人口332,775.   Visiting Venice, Italy   Nobody arrives in Venice and sees the city for the first time. Depicted and described so often that its image has become part of the European collective consciousness, Venice can initially create the slightly anticlimactic feeling that everything looks exactly as it should. The water-lapped palaces along the Canal Grande are just as the brochure photographs made them out to be, Piazza San Marco does indeed look as perfect as a film set, and the panorama across the water from the Palazzo Ducale is precisely as Canaletto painted it. The sense of familiarity soon fades, however, as details of the scene begin to catch the attention - an ancient carving high on a wall, a boat being manoeuvred round an impossible corner, a tiny shop in a dilapidated building, a waterlogged basement. And the longer one looks, the stranger and more intriguing Venice becomes.   Founded fifteen hundred years ago on a cluster of mudflats in the centre of the lagoon, Venice rose to become Europe's main trading post between the West and the East, and at its height controlled an empire that spread north to the Dolomites and over the sea as far as Cyprus. As its wealth increased and its population grew, the fabric of the city grew ever more dense. Very few parts of the hundred or so islets that compose the historic centre are not built up, and very few of its closely knit streets bear no sign of the city's long lineage. Even in the most insignificant alleyway you might find fragments of a medieval building embedded in the wall of a house like fossil remains lodged in a cliff face.   The melancholic air of the place is in part a product of the discrepancy between the grandeur of its history and what the city has become. In the heyday of the Venetian Republic, some 200,000 people lived in Venice, not far short of three times its present population. Merchants from Germany, Greece, Turkey and a host of other countries maintained warehouses here; transactions in the banks and bazaars of the Rialto dictated the value of commodities all over the continent; in the dockyards of the Arsenale the workforce was so vast that a warship could be built and fitted out in a single day; and the Piazza San Marco was perpetually thronged with people here to set up business deals or report to the Republic's government. Nowadays it's no longer a living metropolis but rather the embodiment of a fabulous past, dependent for its survival largely on the people who come to marvel at its relics.   The monuments which draw the largest crowds are the Basilica di San Marco - the mausoleum of the city's patron saint - and the Palazzo Ducale - the home of the doge and all the governing councils. Certainly these are the most dramatic structures in the city: the first a mosaic-clad emblem of Venice's Byzantine origins, the second perhaps the finest of all secular Gothic buildings. Every parish rewards exploration, though - a roll-call of the churches worth visiting would feature over fifty names, and a list of the important paintings and sculptures they contain would be twice as long. Two of the distinctively Venetian institutions known as the Scuole retain some of the outstanding examples of Venice Renaissance art - the Scuola di San Rocco , with its dozens of pictures by Tintoretto, and the Scuola di San Giorgio degli Schiavoni , decorated with a gorgeous sequence by Carpaccio.   Although many of the city's treasures remain in the buildings for which they were created, a sizeable number have been removed to one or other of Venice's museums. The one that should not be missed is the Accademia , an assembly of Venetian painting that consists of virtually nothing but masterpieces; other prominent collections include the museum of eighteenth-century art in the Ca' Rezzonico and the Museo Correr , the civic museum of Venice - but again, a comprehensive list would fill a page.   Then, of course, there's the inexhaustible spectacle of the streets themselves, of the majestic and sometimes decrepit palaces, of the hemmed-in squares where much of the social life of the city is conducted, of the sunlit courtyards that suddenly open up at the end of an unpromising passageway. The cultural heritage preserved in the museums and churches is a source of endless fascination, but you should discard your itineraries for a day and just wander - the anonymous parts of Venice reveal as much of the city's essence as the highlighted attractions. Equally indispensible for a full understanding of Venice's way of life and development are expeditions to the northern and southern islands of the lagoon, where the incursions of the tourist industry are on the whole less obtrusive.   Venice's hinterland - the Veneto - is historically and economically one of Italy's most important regions. Its major cities - Padua , Vicenza and Verona - are all covered in the guide, along with many of the smaller towns located between the lagoon and the mountains to the north. Although rock-bottom hotel prices are rare in the affluent Veneto, the cost of accommodation on the mainland is appreciably lower than in Venice itself, and to get the most out of the less accessible sights of the Veneto it's definitely necessary to base yourself for a day or two somewhere other than Venice - perhaps in the northern town of Belluno or in the more central Castelfranco   venice的过去现在和未来   The city was founded as a result of the influx of refugees into the marshes of the Po estuary following the invasion of northern Italy by the Lombards in 568. In the mid-8th century, the Venetians resisted the empire-building efforts of Pepin III and remained subject to Byzantium, at least theoretically. As the community continued to develop and as Byzantine power waned, however, an increasingly anti-Eastern character emerged, leading to the growth of autonomy and eventual independence. Venice was a city state (an Italian thalassocracy or Repubblica Marinara, the other three being Genoa, Pisa, and Amalfi). Its strategic position at head of the Adriatic made Venetian naval and commercial power almost invulnerable.   The Republic of Venice seized the eastern shores of the Adriatic before 1200, mostly for commercial reasons, because pirates based there were a menace to trade. The Doge already carried the titles Duke of Dalmatia and Duke of Istria. Later mainland possessions, which extended across Lake Garda as far west as the River Adda, were known as "Terra Firma", and were acquired partly as a buffer against beligerent neighbors, partly to guarantee Alpine trade routes, and partly to ensure the supply of mainland wheat, on which the city depended. In building its maritime commercial empire, the Republic acquired control of most of the islands in the Aegean, including Crete, and became a major power-broker in the Near East. By the standards of the time, Venice's stewardship of its mainland territories was relatively enlightened and the citizens of such towns as Bergamo, Brescia, and Verona rallied to the defence of Venetian sovereignty when it was threatened by invaders.   Venice became an imperial power following the Fourth Crusade, which (with Venetian aid) seized Constantinople in 1204 and established the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Only Venetian ships could efficiently transport the men, supplies, and (especially) war horses.   The Venetian governmental structure was a mix of Byzantine and Islamic systems, but the social order was entirely feudal. Church and various private properties were tied to military service, though there was no knight tenure within the city itself. The Cavalieri di San Marco was the only order of chivalry ever instituted in Venice, and no citizen could accept or join a foreign order without the government’s consent. Venice remained a republic throughout its independent period and politics and the military were kept completely separate. War was regarded as a continuation of commerce by other means (hence, the city's early production of large numbers of mercenaries for service elsewhere).   The chief executive was the Doge (duke), who, theoretically, held his elective office for life. In practice, a number of Doges were forced by pressure from their oligarchical peers to resign the office and retire into monastic seclusion when they were felt to have been discredited by perceived political failure.   Though the people of Venice generally remained orthodox Roman Catholics, the state of Venice was notable for its freedom from religious fanaticism and it enacted not a single execution for religious heresy during the Counter-Reformation. This apparent lack of zeal contributed to its frequently coming into conflict with the Papacy. Venice was threatened with the interdict on a number of occasions and twice suffered its imposition. The second, more famous, occasion was on April 27, 1509, by order of Pope Julius II (see League of Cambrai).   Venetian ambassadors sent home still-extant secret reports of the politics and rumours of European courts, providing fascinating information to modern historians.   After 1070 years, the Republic lost its independence when Napoleon Bonaparte on May 12, 1797, conquered Venice during the First Coalition. The French conqueror brought to an end the most fascinating century of its history: It was during the "Settecento" that Venice became perhaps the most elegant and refined city in Europe, greatly influencing art, architecture, and literature. Napoleon was seen as something of a liberator by the city's Jewish population. He removed the gates of the Ghetto and ended the restrictions on when and where Jews could live and travel in the city.   Venice became part of the Austrian-held Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia when Napoleon signed the Treaty of Campo Formio on October 12 1797. The Austrians took control of the city on January 18, 1798. It was taken from Austria by the Treaty of Pressburg in 1805 and became part of Napoleon's Kingdom of Italy, but was returned to Austria following Napoleon's defeat in 1814. In 1866, along with the rest of Venetia, Venice became part of Italy. After 1797, the city fell into a serious decline, with many of the old palaces and other buildings abandoned and falling into disrepair, although the Lido became a popular beach resort in the late 19th century.   回答者:那如此三四三天 - 经理 五级 4-2 12:08   A city of northeast Italy on islets within a lagoon in the Gulf of Venice, a wide inlet of the northern Adriatic Sea. Founded in the 5th century a.d. by refugees fleeing the Lombard invaders who had gained control of the mainland, it became a major maritime power by the 13th century and spread its influence over northern Italy by the 15th century. Its territories were gradually lost to the Turks, and in 1797 it passed to Austria. Venice was ceded to Italy in 1866. Population, 332,775.   威尼斯:意大利东北部的一个城市,位于亚得里亚海北部的一个宽阔的海湾威尼斯湾 里的一个泻湖内的众多小岛上。它在 公元 5世纪由逃离伦巴族侵略者的难民创建,这些侵略者已获得对大陆的控制权,到13世纪它已成为一个主要的海上强国并于15世纪把其影响扩及意大利的北部。它的领土后来逐渐为土耳其人所攻陷,并于1797年转让给了奥地利。威尼斯在1866年并入了意大利。人口332,775.   Visiting Venice, Italy   Nobody arrives in Venice and sees the city for the first time. Depicted and described so often that its image has become part of the European collective consciousness, Venice can initially create the slightly anticlimactic feeling that everything looks exactly as it should. The water-lapped palaces along the Canal Grande are just as the brochure photographs made them out to be, Piazza San Marco does indeed look as perfect as a film set, and the panorama across the water from the Palazzo Ducale is precisely as Canaletto painted it. The sense of familiarity soon fades, however, as details of the scene begin to catch the attention - an ancient carving high on a wall, a boat being manoeuvred round an impossible corner, a tiny shop in a dilapidated building, a waterlogged basement. And the longer one looks, the stranger and more intriguing Venice becomes.   Founded fifteen hundred years ago on a cluster of mudflats in the centre of the lagoon, Venice rose to become Europe's main trading post between the West and the East, and at its height controlled an empire that spread north to the Dolomites and over the sea as far as Cyprus. As its wealth increased and its population grew, the fabric of the city grew ever more dense. Very few parts of the hundred or so islets that compose the historic centre are not built up, and very few of its closely knit streets bear no sign of the city's long lineage. Even in the most insignificant alleyway you might find fragments of a medieval building embedded in the wall of a house like fossil remains lodged in a cliff face.   The melancholic air of the place is in part a product of the discrepancy between the grandeur of its history and what the city has become. In the heyday of the Venetian Republic, some 200,000 people lived in Venice, not far short of three times its present population. Merchants from Germany, Greece, Turkey and a host of other countries maintained warehouses here; transactions in the banks and bazaars of the Rialto dictated the value of commodities all over the continent; in the dockyards of the Arsenale the workforce was so vast that a warship could be built and fitted out in a single day; and the Piazza San Marco was perpetually thronged with people here to set up business deals or report to the Republic's government. Nowadays it's no longer a living metropolis but rather the embodiment of a fabulous past, dependent for its survival largely on the people who come to marvel at its relics.   The monuments which draw the largest crowds are the Basilica di San Marco - the mausoleum of the city's patron saint - and the Palazzo Ducale - the home of the doge and all the governing councils. Certainly these are the most dramatic structures in the city: the first a mosaic-clad emblem of Venice's Byzantine origins, the second perhaps the finest of all secular Gothic buildings. Every parish rewards exploration, though - a roll-call of the churches worth visiting would feature over fifty names, and a list of the important paintings and sculptures they contain would be twice as long. Two of the distinctively Venetian institutions known as the Scuole retain some of the outstanding examples of Venice Renaissance art - the Scuola di San Rocco , with its dozens of pictures by Tintoretto, and the Scuola di San Giorgio degli Schiavoni , decorated with a gorgeous sequence by Carpaccio.   Although many of the city's treasures remain in the buildings for which they were created, a sizeable number have been removed to one or other of Venice's museums. The one that should not be missed is the Accademia , an assembly of Venetian painting that consists of virtually nothing but masterpieces; other prominent collections include the museum of eighteenth-century art in the Ca' Rezzonico and the Museo Correr , the civic museum of Venice - but again, a comprehensive list would fill a page.   Then, of course, there's the inexhaustible spectacle of the streets themselves, of the majestic and sometimes decrepit palaces, of the hemmed-in squares where much of the social life of the city is conducted, of the sunlit courtyards that suddenly open up at the end of an unpromising passageway. The cultural heritage preserved in the museums and churches is a source of endless fascination, but you should discard your itineraries for a day and just wander - the anonymous parts of Venice reveal as much of the city's essence as the highlighted attractions. Equally indispensible for a full understanding of Venice's way of life and development are expeditions to the northern and southern islands of the lagoon, where the incursions of the tourist industry are on the whole less obtrusive.   Venice's hinterland - the Veneto - is historically and economically one of Italy's most important regions. Its major cities - Padua , Vicenza and Verona - are all covered in the guide, along with many of the smaller towns located between the lagoon and the mountains to the north. Although rock-bottom hotel prices are rare in the affluent Veneto, the cost of accommodation on the mainland is appreciably lower than in Venice itself, and to get the most out of the less accessible sights of the Veneto it's definitely necessary to base yourself for a day or two somewhere other than Venice - perhaps in the northern town of Belluno or in the more central Castelfranco.   回答者:lwj04 - 助理 三级 4-2 12:47   A city of northeast Italy on islets within a lagoon in the Gulf of Venice, a wide inlet of the northern Adriatic Sea. Founded in the 5th century a.d. by refugees fleeing the Lombard invaders who had gained control of the mainland, it became a major maritime power by the 13th century and spread its influence over northern Italy by the 15th century. Its territories were gradually lost to the Turks, and in 1797 it passed to Austria. Venice was ceded to Italy in 1866. Population, 332,775.   威尼斯:意大利东北部的一个城市,位于亚得里亚海北部的一个宽阔的海湾威尼斯湾 里的一个泻湖内的众多小岛上。它在 公元 5世纪由逃离伦巴族侵略者的难民创建,这些侵略者已获得对大陆的控制权,到13世纪它已成为一个主要的海上强国并于15世纪把其影响扩及意大利的北部。它的领土后来逐渐为土耳其人所攻陷,并于1797年转让给了奥地利。威尼斯在1866年并入了意大利。人口332,775


  威尼斯(Venice)是意大利东北部著名的旅游与工业城市,也是威尼托地区的首府。威尼斯曾经是威尼斯共和国的中心,被称作“亚得里亚海明珠”,十字军进行十字军东征时也曾在这里集结,而且也是13世纪至17世纪末一个非常重要的商业艺术重镇,堪称世界最浪漫的城市之一。 威尼斯市区涵盖意大利东北部亚得里亚海沿岸的威尼斯潟湖的118个岛屿和邻近一个半岛,更有117条水道纵横交叉。这个咸水潟湖分布在波河与皮亚韦河之间的海岸线。

威尼斯濒临 海域是

  威尼斯 濒临 地中海 ,旅游业发达,是著名的水城。   给你科普一下威尼斯 威尼斯是意大利东北部城市,亚得里亚海威尼斯湾西北岸重要港口。人口34.3万(有统计显示,1957年威尼斯的常住人口为17.4万,而2009年10月份刚刚公布的常住人口总数还不到6万,达到历史最低水平)。主建于离岸4公里的海边浅水滩上,平均水深1.5米。由铁路、公路、桥与陆地相连。由118个小岛组成,并以 177条水道、401座桥梁连成一体,以舟相通,有“水上都市”、“百岛城”、“桥城”之称。   求采纳~~~﹌○﹌


  威尼斯是意大利的 位于欧洲   威尼斯是意大利东北部著名的旅游与工业城市


  两个不同的新兴工业区,一个是意大利新兴工业区,,另一个是美国“硅谷”高技术工业区,主要区分他们崛起的优势区位因素。下面我来逐一分析并进行两者的比较。   一、概述   20世纪50年代以来,世界新的技术革命(第三次技术革命)诞生了,它是以电子技术、生物技术、新能源、新材料的发明和应用为基础的技术革命,特别是以微电子技术的发展及其普遍应用为主要标志。这次新的技术革命方兴未艾,极大地推动了社会生产力的发展。同时,对传统工业造成了冲击,使传统工业区开始走向衰落,而在发达国家的一些没有传统工业基础的乡村地区,逐渐出现了以灵活多变的中小型企业为主的工业地域,如意大利东北部和中部地区,德国南部慕尼黑地区,以及美国“硅谷”等地区,相对于传统工业区而言,我们把这些工业地域称为新兴工业区,也叫新产业区。   对于新兴工业区,我们可从以下三方面通俗理解。第一,时间新,距今也就四五十年时间,大多自20世纪50年代开始形成。第二,地区新,避开传统工业区,另辟新地,一般形成于乡村地区,表现在既不接近原料地,也不接近市场,但要有高科技水平与便利的交通运输条件。第三,企业规模不比传统工业庞大,多以中小型为主。   先来分析意大利的新兴工业区。   意大利新兴工业区   1.意大利新、老工业分布位置特点   2.意大利新兴工业区发展的机遇及其条件   3.意大利新兴工业区与传统工业区相比,突出特点?   4.工业小区的含义及模式。   对于以上问题,   1.分布位置及形成原因   意大利的老工业基地主要分布在西北部,以米兰、都灵、热那亚最为发达,是意大利的“工业三角地带”,全国的经济中心,主要工业以传统工业为主,有汽车、造船、纺织、冶金、化学等部门。意大利的新兴工业主要分布在中部和东北部。这里在20世纪50年代之前,一直以农业经济为主,从20世纪50年代开始,他们充分利用这里的区位优势及国内外有利条件,迅速发展成为新兴工业区。为了同西北部的传统工业区和至今工业化尚未得到普及的南部加以区别,人们把意大利的新兴工业区称为“第三意大利”。   2.发展机遇及条件   意大利新兴工业区,传统上是农业、旅游业和轻工业生产区,工业组织松散、设备落后、手工作坊。70年代以后,西北地区传统工业受到冲击,出现衰退,而这里由于具有廉价的劳动力、众多的中小企业和较好的社会、文化教育环境,形成了许多专业性较强的、内部经济联系密切的、由中小企业组成的工业小区,使得经济蓬勃发展。   以后,又由于政府的大力支持、意大利经济高度开放。20世纪70年代原料和能源大幅度涨价、发达的银行信贷体系等条件和机遇(如课本图5.37),使得这里迅速发展成了一新兴工业区。   以上意大利新兴工业区发展的主要条件其中,国家政策的大力支持是先决条件,发达的银行信贷体系和国内经济的高度开放是经济保障,而原料和能源价格的大幅度上涨,使新兴工业选择了低能耗、污染小的轻工业。新兴工业区的工业,正是以轻工业和传统轻工业为主,主要有纺织业、服装业、制鞋业、陶瓷业、木工机械、食品业和自动化设备等工业,它们都分散在众多的工业小区内。   3.新兴工业区的特点   从以上的分析中则可了解到,它与传统工业区相比,具有明显的差别。为了便于更方便地了解,我列出下表对其进行比较(如下表)。   意大利新兴工业区与传统工业区对比   新兴工业区   传统工业区   生产规模   中小型企业为主   大型企业为主   主要工业部门   轻工业   重工业   生产过程   分散   集中   资金集中程度   低   高   工业分布   分散   集中   从以上表格中,可明显地看出意大利新兴工业区发展的优势条件。   4.工业小区的含义及模式   意大利新兴工业区,是以中小企业集聚的工业小区为独特的发展模式。   在意大利,工业小区是一个特定的概念,它指的是一个地区的中小企业(生产企业和生产企业之间、生产企业和非生产企业之间)以一项经营活动为中心,根据现代经营需要,逐步建立起来的一种相互信赖,比较稳固的协作关系和产供销体系。它有助于加强专业化,提高生产效率,降低产品成本,增强在国内外市场上的竞争力。   这种工业小区,在意大利新兴工业区内星罗棋布,如课本图5.38所标注的工业小区,这只是这里众多工业小区中的一小部分。其中,普拉托的毛纺业小区靠近历史文化名城佛罗伦萨,是意大利众多新兴工业小区之一,也是全国最大的纺织工业中心,这里的纺织业,历史悠久,技艺高超,在国际市场中处于优胜地位,曾与曼彻斯特(英国)、里昂(法国)并称为欧洲三大纺织工业中心。   普拉托的生产—销售—服务—信息网络   普拉托的生产与发展情况(如课本图5.39),从图中可以看出,普拉托成千上万的中小企业以毛纺业为生产的中心内容,形成了一个机构完善、功能齐全的生产—销售—服务—信息网络。意大利的工业小区虽然很分散,实力与传统的大型工业区无法相比,但每个工业小区能够独立经营、密切协作,集中力量生产一种或两种产品,实行了规模经济生产,并使这种产品的生产量和销售量在意大利以至欧洲联盟占有绝对重要的地位。   意大利的工业小区虽然分散,实力与传统的大型工业区无法相比,但整个工业小区生产1~2个主要特色产品,且各企业间分工明确,独立经营,密切协作,实际上是一个巨型联合企业,进行规模经济生产。该模式有助于加强专业化生产,提高劳动生产效率,使产品具有成本低廉、工艺考究、质地优良、款式新颖的特点,增强了在国内外市场的竞争力。同时,他们将新型的企业管理机制、管理方法和新技术注入较古老的生产部门,使传统工业部门焕发出勃勃生机。   下面,我来分析新兴工业区的另一类型,高新技术工业区,新兴工业区--美国“硅谷”,我具体分析之。   美国“硅谷”   1.新技术革命诞生的时间、标志,主要工业部门   2.高技术工业与传统工业相比特点,与意大利新兴工业区相比异同?   3.美国“硅谷”崛起的区位优势.   1.新技术革命的诞生   随着社会生产力的不断发展、科学技术的革新,对工业的发展起了重大的推动作用。20世纪50年代以来,特别是70年代以来,第三次技术革命诞生了。这场科技革命首先是在工业最发达的美国开始的。到目前,这场革命还在继续发展。   这场技术革命是以原子能的开发、利用为先导的,以微电子技术和计算机技术、航天技术、生物工程和新能源、新材料的广泛研究与开发应用为主要标志,特别是以微电子技术的发展及其普遍应用为主要标志。在这次技术革命的推动下,形成了一系列新兴工业部门,如电子工业、半导体工业、核工业、航天工业、高分子合成工业、遗传工程、激光工业等。特别是微电脑和计算机、控制与自动化技术的不断发展,迅速增强了生产的自动化程度,加快了技术与设备的更新周期,从而大大提高了社会劳动生产率,推动着主要工业国家的经济迅速发展。   现在世界上已经形成了一大批高新技术工业区,如美国的“硅谷”、日本的九州岛、英国的苏格兰、德国的慕尼黑等。   2.高技术工业的特点   高技术工业,顾名思义就是代表目前科技水平最高、最先进的工业,是建立在新的科学理论、工业技术基础之上的。它和意大利新兴工业区有着很大的差别。意大利的新兴工业是在原传统工业基础之上,增加新的技术、设备,采用先进的管理模式,相互密切合作而形成的新兴工业区。而高技术工业是依靠先进的科学技术手段,独立开发出的新兴工业。它和传统工业相比,还有着许多特点。下面我们通过列表形式来了解高技术工业与传统工业的特点,从而加深对高技术工业的理解。见下表:   高技术工业   传统工业   科技人员比例   高   低   产品增加值   高   低   生产增长速度   快   慢   产品更新换代周期   短   长   投入中的研究开发费用   多   少   从以上,可以清楚了解到,高技术工业的从业人员具有高水平的知识和技能,其中科学家和工程师之类人才占较大比例,他们才能研制、开发新产品。高技术工业增长速度比传统工业快得多,并且处在不断变化之中,产品更新换代的周期较短。例如,我国电视机业的发展状况:以前是黑白电视,之后出现了小彩电,随即有了大彩电,现在又开发出了液晶显示彩电、精显背投彩电、数码彩电等应接不暇。此外,高技术工业研究开发费用一般较高,其产品面向市场。高技术是知识、人才、资金密集的新兴群体,这三者的投入都明显高于一般传统技术,这是高技术及其产业具有知识密集型和人才密集型的特点所决定的。高技术研究需要大量高、精、尖设备的投入。而其产品能否在有利时机适销对路占据市场,取得“捷足先登”或“后来居上”的效应,则是其关键所在。   3.“硅谷”崛起因素   美国“硅谷”,是世界上最早的、规模最大的高技术工业区,是世界高技术工业发展的先驱和典范。对分析得知:刺激“硅谷”迅速崛起的因素主要有以下几个方面:   (1)地理位置优越,环境优美   “硅谷”位于旧金山市东南部,背靠太平洋海岸山脉,面对圣弗朗西斯科(旧金山)湾(如课本图5.40)环境洁净优美。圣弗朗西斯科,即旧金山,是美国西部第二大城市,也是美国华侨和华裔人口最多的城市,它位于圣弗朗西斯科湾和太平洋之间的一个小半岛上,是加利福尼亚中央谷地的天然出海口,过“硅谷”向东又有垭口可穿越高耸的内华达山通往东部地区。   (2)气候宜人   “硅谷”位于太平洋东岸的圣弗朗西斯科(旧金山)东南50千米处,其地理纬度为北纬37°左右,属地中海气候。地理位置三面环山,北面临海。由于面临圣弗朗西斯科湾,气候受海洋因素的影响较大,表现为冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,冬暖夏凉、温暖湿润的特点明显。   (3)有高等院校   这里有斯坦福大学和8000多家高技术公司,它们互相合作,为研究、开发半导体、集成电路等电子工业起到了积极的促进作用。尤其是斯坦福大学在“硅谷”崛起的早期起了关键性作用,并提供了“硅谷”第一个科研工业区的地盘。而高技术工业的发展正需要这样的科研工业区,于是有关人才迅速向斯坦福大学集聚,高技术工业也逐渐向斯坦福大学之外扩展,“硅谷”开始形成。现在,斯坦福大学在基础研究方面,对“硅谷”的贡献仍然是重要的。   (4)便捷的交通   这里交通方便,有公路、铁路从边缘通过,邻近旧金山的航空港,并有高速公路贯穿全境,便于电子产品的运输。   (5)军事订货   这里生产的为军事工业配套的光学仪器和对电子工业占重要地位。美国国防部一直维持着对“硅谷”半导体元件稳定的订货量,其订货额一度占“硅谷”总产值的40%。著名的洛克希德导弹与航天公司就设在森尼维尔镇。   总之,“硅谷”得益于以上条件的优势,迅速崛起,成为世界著名的高新技术工业中心。   4.“硅谷”的发展与扩散   “硅谷”是以微电子工业为主导,集中了数千家电子工业企业,是美国以至世界电子工业的中心。微电子工业是电子工业的技术基础,因而,成为高技术中的最高技术。“硅谷”的每一项重要发明,都会影响到全世界电子工业的发展。自20世纪60年代以来,世界电子工业更新换代的新产品、新技术、新设备、新工艺,几乎都出自“硅谷”。   随着科技的发展,“硅谷”的规模在不断扩大,至70年代末,由于“硅谷”的土地被占用殆尽,许多企业把新工厂建到内地的得克萨斯等州,以及东南亚、墨西哥等地,如上图“中国高新技术产业开发区分布状况”,美国微电子装配工业在东南亚及港、澳、台等地的分布状况,其目的就是充分利用这些地区劳动力、土地、住房等都很便宜的优势条件。


  威尼斯(Venice)是意大利东北部著名的旅游与工业城市,也是威尼托地区的首府。威尼斯曾经是威尼斯共和国的中心,被称作“亚得里亚海明珠”,十字军进行十字军东征时也曾在这里集结,堪称世界最浪漫的城市之一。 威尼斯市区涵盖意大利东北部亚得里亚海沿岸的威尼斯潟湖的118个岛屿和邻近一个半岛,更有117条水道纵横交叉。这个咸水潟湖分布在波河与皮亚韦河之间的海岸线   


  温馨提示   简约:   威尼斯,素有“亚得里亚海明珠”之称(英文:venice 、意大利文: 威尼斯   venezia), 四周环海,位于意大利东北部亚得里亚海滨的威纳托省(Veneto)。从地图上看,威尼斯仿佛是一颗镶嵌在美妙长靴靴腰上的水晶,在亚得里亚海的波涛中熠熠生辉。   意大利东北部城市,亚得里亚海威尼斯湾西北岸重要港口。人口34.3万。主建于离岸4公里的海边浅水滩上,平均水深1.5米。有铁路、公路桥与陆地相连。由118个小岛组成,并以180条水道、378座桥梁联成一体,以舟相通,有“水上都市”之称。

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