
旅游攻略英文ppt 百度的也行注意英文

这首Gavin Degraw——Fire Oh if there's one thing to be taught 哦 如果有件事是要记住的那会是 it's dreams are made to be caught 梦想是用来追逐的 and friends can never be bought 朋友千金难换 Doesn't matter how long it's been 要花多久时间并不重要 I know you'll always jump in 我知道你会投入其中 'Cause we don't know how to quit 因为我们不知道该如何放弃 Let's start a riot tonight 今晚就让我们放纵一下 a pack of lions tonight 今晚就让我们像狂野的狮子 In this world he who stops 在这个世界 一旦他停止 won't get anything he wants 他就不会有任何收获 Play like the top one percent 百里挑一 竭尽全力 till nothing's left to be spent 全情投入 Take it all ours to take 接受这一切 Celebrate because 我们要开始庆祝因为 We are the champions 我们是神勇斗士 Setting it off again 再次出发 Oh we on fire 哦 我们热血沸腾 We on fire 我们热血沸腾 Running our own campaign 奔向我们的冠军之路 Doing the whole shebang 努力奋斗 Oh we on fire 哦 我们热血沸腾 We on fire 我们热血沸腾Get up起身Stand up站立 Throw your hands up 甩动你们的双手 Welcome to the other land of 欢迎来到梦想之家 dreamers brothers sisters others 兄弟姐妹们 Yeah we on fire like that 是的 我们如此的热血沸腾 Oh the bond is deeper than skin 这联系浓于骨肉关系 The kind of club that we're in 像是置身于激情似火的夜店 The kind of love that we give 像是给予情侣般浓烈的爱 Oh ever since the dawn of mankind 哦 自人类发展的曙光起 we all belong to a tribe 我们都属于一个部落 It's good to know this one's mine 我很高兴知道这部落属于我的 Let's start a riot tonight 今晚就让我们放纵一下 a pack of lions tonight 今晚就让我们像狂野的狮子 In this world he who stops 在这个世界 一旦他停止 won't get anything he wants 他就不会有任何收获 Play like the top one percent 百里挑一 竭尽全力 till nothing's left to be spent 全情投入 We don't care 我们不在乎 We won't stop 我们不会停止 Call your mothers 打电话给你的母亲 Call the cops 打电话给警察 We are the champions 我们是神勇斗士 Setting it off again 再次出发 Oh we on fire 哦 我们热血沸腾 We on fire 我们热血沸腾 Running our own campaign 奔向我们的冠军之路 Doing the whole shebang 努力奋斗 Oh we on fire 哦 我们热血沸腾 We on fire 我们热血沸腾Get up起身Stand up站立 Throw your hands up 甩动你们的双手 Welcome to the other land of 欢迎来到梦想之家 dreamers brothers sisters others 兄弟姐妹们 Yeah we on fire like that 是的 我们如此的热血沸腾 Oh哦Ooh哦哦 And nothing's gonna be the same 没有会是一样的Oh哦 We are the champions 我们是神勇斗士 Setting it off again 再次出发 Oh we on fire 哦 我们热血沸腾 We on fire 我们热血沸腾 Running our own campaign 奔向我们的冠军之路 Doing the whole shebang 努力奋斗 Oh we on fire 哦 我们热血沸腾 We on fire 我们热血沸腾 And nothing's gonna be the same 没有会是一样的 Hey 嘿







旅游攻略, 旅游百科, 旅游日记, 风景名胜, 旅游经验,这几个词怎么翻译成英文

tourism strategy
tourism encyclopedia
tourism diary
places of interest/tourist attraction
tourism experience


Travelling Tips

英语的旅游攻略 如下 怎么写?不一定要韩国【急】

Travel guides are as follows


travel tips

意大利的旅游攻略 英文版

Milan (Milano), situated on the flat plains of the Po Valley, is the capital of Lombardy and thoroughly enjoys its hard-earned role as Italy's richest and second largest city. Wealthy and cosmopolitan, the Milanesi enjoy a reputation as successful businesspeople, equally at home overseas and in Italy. Embracing tradition, sophistication and ambition in equal measure, they are just as likely to follow opera at La Scala as their shares on the city's stock market or AC or Inter at the San Siro Stadium.

Three times in its history, the city had to rebuild after being conquered. Founded in the seventh century BC by Celts, the city, then known as Mediolanum (id-plain'), was first sacked by the Goths in the 600s (AD),
then by Barbarossa in 1157 and finally by the Allies in WWII, when over a quarter of the city was flattened. Milan successively reinvented herself under French, Spanish and then Austrian rulers from 1499 until the reunification of Italy in 1870. It is a miracle that so many historic treasures still exist, including Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper, which survived a direct hit in WWII.

The Milanesi's appreciation of tradition includes a singular respect for religion; they even pay a special tax towards the cathedral maintenance. It is therefore fitting that the city's enring symbol is the gilded statue of the Virgin, on top of the cathedral (Il Duomo).

Milan is founded around a historic nucleus radiating from the cathedral, with a star-shaped axis of arteries spreading through modern suburbs to
the ring road. The modern civic centre lies to the northwest, around Mussolini's central station, and is dominated by the Pirelli skyscraper, which dates from 1956. The trade and fashion fairs take place in the Fiera district, west of the nucleus around the Porta Genova station.

Milan's economic success was founded at the end of the 19th century, when the metal factories and the rubber instries moved in, replacing agriculture and mercantile trading as the city's main sources of income.
Milan's position at the heart of a network of canals, which provided the irrigation for the Lombard plains and the important trade links between the north and south, became less important as instry took over - and the waterways were filled. A few canals remain in the Navigli district near
the Bocconi University, a fashionable area in which to drink and listen to live music.

Since the 1970s, Milan has remained the capital of Italy's automobile instry and its financial markets, but the limelight is dominated by the fashion houses, who, in turn, have drawn media and advertising agencies to the city. Milan remains the marketplace for Italian fashion - fashion aficionados, supermodels and international paparazzi descend upon the city twice a year for its spring and autumn fairs. Valentino, Versace and
Armani may design and manufacture their clothes elsewhere, but Milan, which has carefully guarded its reputation for flair, drama and creativity, is Italy's natural stage.

Florence (Italy)

The Arno River runs through the center of Florence.
Florence is the capital of the region of Tuscany, on Italy's north-west coast. The cultural and historical impact of Florence is overwhelming. However, the city is one of Italy's most atmospheric and pleasant, retaining a strong resemblanceto the small late-medieval center that contributed so much to the cultural and political development of Europe.
Where Rome is a historical hot-pot , Florence is like stepping back into a Fiat and Vespa-filled Renaissance : the shop-lined Ponte Vecchio, the trademark Duomo, the gem-filled Uffizi Gallery, the turreted Piazza della Signoria and the Medici Chapels.

Duomo cathedral
The remarkable Duomo , with its pink, white and green marble fa? ade and characteristic dome , dominates the city's skyline. The building took almost two centuries to build (and even then the facade wasn't completed until the 19th century), and is the fourth-largest cathedral in the world. The enormous dome was designed by Brunelleschi, and its interior features frescoes and stained-glass windows by some of the Renaissance-era's best: Vasari, Zuccari, Donatello, Uccello and Ghiberti. Take a deep breath and climb up to take a closer look, and you'll be rewarded by fantastic views of the city and an insight into how the dome was so cleverly constructed - without scaffolding. The dome still defines the scale of the city, and no building in town is taller.

Bandinelli's Hercules and Cacus can be found in Piazza della Signoria.
Florence was founded as a colony of the Etruscan city of Fiesole in about 200 BC, later becoming the Roman Florentia, a garrison town controlling the Via Flaminia. In the 13th century the pro-papalGuelphs and pro-imperial Ghibellines started a century-long bout of bickering ,which wound up withthe Guelphs forming their own government in the 1250s. By 1292 Florence eventually becoming a commercial republic controlled by the Guelph-heavy merchant class.In the latter part of the 14th century the Medicis began consolidating power, eventually becoming bankers to the papacy . Florence became capital of the Kingdom, and remained so until Rome took over in 1875.

Florence used to be badly damged by war and floods (in 1966), fortunately the salvage operation led to the widespread use of modern restoration techniqueswhich have saved artworks throughout the country.


Tibet tourism strategy
[词典] tourism; tour; junketing;
[例句]有些国家靠旅游业 取大量外汇。
Some countries obtain large sums of foreign exchange from tourism.

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