
分类: 旅游信息 时间: 2024-11-02 22:30:56 作者:463050


state-list famous historical and culture cities 国家级历史文化名城
tourist destination 旅游目的地
tourist destination area 旅游目的地地区
tourist destination country 旅游目的国
tourist map 旅游地图
tourist spots/attractions 旅游景点
tourist attractions /scenic spots旅游景点
tourist trade 旅游界
travel 旅行
World Tourism Day 世界旅游日
information desk 问讯处
Natural scenery/ attractions自然景观
Famous mountains and great rivers名山大川
Scenic spots and historical sites 名胜古迹
Places of historic figures and cultural heritage人文景观
Cultural/human landscape 人文景观
Inviting views诱人景色
Green hills and clear waters 青山绿水
Landscape of lakes and hills/beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains 湖光山色
Picturesque view 风景如画
tourism 旅游
pleasure trip 游览,漫游
business trip 商务旅行
organized tour 组团旅游
circular tour 环程旅行
package tour, inclusive tour 包办旅行
outward journey 单程旅行
return journey, round trip 往返旅行
holiday 假期
excursion, outing 远足
expedition 远征,探险

hitchhiking, hitching 搭乘
itinerary 旅行指南
itinerary, route 旅行路线
stopover 中途下车暂停
stage 停歇点,中间站
departure at 10 a.m. 上午10时出发
arrival at 12 p.m. 夜12点抵达
stay 停留
return 返回
embarkation, embarcation 乘船,上船
disembarkation 下船


西湖十景 Ten Views of the West Lake
断桥残雪 Melting Snow at Broken Bridge
平湖秋月 Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake
曲院风荷 Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard
双峰插云 Twin peaks piercing Clouds
苏堤春晓 Spring Dawn at Su Causeway
三潭印月 Three pools mirroring the moon
花港观鱼 Viewing Fish at flower harbor
南屏晚钟 Evening bell at Nanping hill
雷峰夕照 Sunset glow at Leifeng pagoda
柳浪闻莺Orioles singing in the willows
新西湖十景 Ten New Views of the West Lake
宝石流霞 Precious stone hill floating in rosy clouds
黄龙吐翠Yellow Dragon cave dressed in green
满垅桂雨Sweet osmanthus rain at Mannjuelong
虎跑梦泉 Dream of the tiger spring
九溪烟树 Nine creeks in misty forest
龙井问茶 Enjoying tea at dragon well
云栖竹径 Bamboo-lined path at Yunqi
玉皇飞云 Flying clouds over jade Emperor hill
吴山天风 Sky wind over Wu Hill
阮墩环碧 Ruan Gong islet submerged in greenery
孤山 Solitary hill
楼外楼 LOU wailou restaurant
西泠印社Xiling Seal-Engravers’ Society
西泠桥和苏小小墓 Xiling bridge and Su xiaoxiao tomb
岳飞庙和墓 Yue Fei’s temple and his tomb
杭州花圃 Hangzhou flower nursery
杭州植物园 Hangzhou botanical garden
玉泉Jade spring
灵峰探梅 Visiting Lingfeng for plum bolssoms
灵隐寺 Lingyin Temple
杨公堤 Yang Gong causeway
郭庄 Guo’s villa
涌金池 YOngjin pool
钱王祠 King Qian’s temple
长桥 Long bridge
六和塔 Six harmonies pagoda( Liuhe pagoda)
bore-watching 看潮、Qiantang Tide 钱塘潮
Dragon Well tea 龙井茶
Tea-picking 采茶
Tea House 茶
Hangzhou dishes 杭帮菜
Silk city 丝绸城
Hu Xueyan’s Former Residence 胡雪岩故居
The Street of clothes for women in Wulin Road 武林路女装街
Yellow Dragon Sports Center 黄龙体育中心

景点,景区 用英语怎么说?

“景点”或“景区”一词是导游资料和导游词中经常出现的词,其原义是“风景美丽的地点(地区)”(英文是scenic spot或scenic area);但是,现在人们习惯把所有旅游者去看的地方都称为“景点”或“景区”,我们一些导游也不加区别通译成 scenic spot 或 scenic area。深圳“中国民俗文化村是一个(荟萃中国56个民族的民间艺术、民族风情和民居建筑于一园的)大型文化游览区”。这句话有人译成“The China Folk Culture Villageis alarge-scale cultural tourscenic area(comprising one gardenassembling folk arts, local conditions and customs and local-style dwelling houses of 56ethnic groups)”。深圳民俗文化村明明是一个“文化游览区”,怎么可以说成“scenic area”?广州越秀公园中山纪念碑下有一块市政园林局竖立的中英文标志:优秀管理景点;英文是“Excellently Managed Scenic Spot”;河源苏家围客家村里有很多中英文对照的路标,写着“下一景点:某某;Next Scenic Spot:...”。中山纪念碑、苏家围的苏公祠和光化堂又怎能说是scenic spot 呢?不要以为一个单词使用不当问题不大,如果导游带团去参观的是自由市场他也说“The next scenic spot we are going to see is a free market”那就是个不小的笑话了。所以,英语里表达相当于现在人们所说的“景点”的词有很多,必须根据不同情况采取不同的译法,例如:

一、Tourist attraction(Sth. which attracts tourists):
近年来盘龙峡已成为广东的一个热门的旅游景点。(In resent years, the Panlong Gorge has become a tourist attraction in Guangdong Province.)
二、Tourist resort(a place visited frequently or by large numbers):
a. 北带河是一个著名的海滨避暑圣地。(Beidaihe is a well-known seaside and summer resort.)
b. 从化温泉是个疗养区。(The Conghua Hot Spring is a health resort.)
三、 Destination(a place to which a person is going or which a person wants to reach.):
我们半小时后上车前往下一个景点。(Half an hour later, we’ll meet in the bus and leave for the next destination.)
四、 Sight(sth. worth seeing, esp. a place visited by tourists; a view of spectacle.):
a. 去车站之前我们先看一两个景点。(Before going to the train station, we’ll see one or two sights in the city.)
b. 美国的大峡谷是世界八大奇观之一。(The Grand Canyon in the United States is one of the eight sights of the world.)
c. 羊城八景(The Eight Sights of the Goat City)
d. 景点的讲解员也称“景点导游”,英文是“establishment guide”,不能说“scenic-spot guide”。


Changzhou is a prefecture-level city in southern Jiangsu province of the People's Republic of China. It was previously known as Yanling, Lanling, Jinling, and Wujin. Located on the southern bank of the Yangtze River, Changzhou borders the provincial capital of Nanjing to the west, Zhenjiang to the northwest, Wuxi to the east, and the province of Zhejiang to the south. The city is situated in the affluent Yangtze Delta region of China.

Changzhou is the home of the China Dinosaur Park (simplified Chinese: 常州恐龙园) located in the Xinbei District of the city. The 5A rated Dinosaur Park has a collection of dinosaur bones and fossils from all over China. The park has 50 various fossils and more than 30 amusement programs including the Brontosaurus Roller Coaster and the Whirling Dinosaur Carriage. The fossils are located in a museum housed in a single building and the amusement rides are spread throughout the park which is categorized into six themed areas. Besides fossils and family oriented rides, Dinosaur Park is home to a giant panda and sea lions.

In 2011, a new amusement park called CC Joyland (simplified Chinese: 环球动漫嬉戏谷) opened in Taihuwan near Taihu lake in Wujin District in the south of Changzhou.

The city is also home to the Tianning Temple— one of the largest Zen Buddhist temple and monasteries in China. The city recently rebuilt the Tianning pagoda in the temple grounds, which is adjacent to Hongmei Park. The pagoda, called the Tianning Baota, was first built ring the Tang Dynasty (AD 618 907). Since that time it has been destroyed and rebuilt five times. The current reconstruction is built to the height specification of 153.79 metres (504.6 ft). This makes it the tallest pagoda in China and perhaps also the world. Both the Hongmei Park and Tianning Temple are located just to the east of the city centre.

As Changzhou is noted for its combs, the city has reconstructed its Fine Comb Lane area with contemporary architecture. Changzhou combs can be purchased in most places in the city.

There is the Hong Mei Park, which includes a small children's amusement park, a zoo, a rose garden and many scenic waterways. Of historical interest in the park is a historical pavilion with exhibits related to the Changzhou comb instry. In addition, there is another pavilion which displays locally proced root carvings. The park attracts large numbers of people ring holidays and is often dotted with a variety of vendors.

Other sites include Changzhou's sunken city and area of archaeological ruins from the Spring and Autumn Period.
Changzhou also has attractive gardens such as the Wei Yuan.


1,Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山

富士山(日文:ふじさん,英文:Mount Fuji)是日本国内最高峰,日本重要国家象征之一。横跨静冈县和山梨县的活火山,接近太平洋岸,东京西南方约80公里。


2,Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵

泰姬陵(Taj Mahal ),是印度知名度最高的古迹之一,世界文化遗产,被评选为“世界新七大奇迹”。位于印度北方邦的阿格拉(Agra)城内,亚穆纳河右侧。由殿堂、钟楼、尖塔、水池等构成,全部用纯白色大理石建筑,用玻璃、玛瑙镶嵌,具有极高的艺术价值。


3,Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟

吴哥窟(Angkor Wat),又称吴哥寺,位于柬埔寨,被称作柬埔寨国宝,是世界上最大的庙宇,同时也是世界上最早的高棉式建筑。吴哥窟原始的名字是Vrah Vishnulok,意思为“毗湿奴的神殿”,中国佛学古籍称之为“桑香佛舍”。


4,Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛



5,Borobur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠

婆罗浮屠位于东南亚的印度尼西亚,大约于公元750年至850年间,由当时统治爪哇岛的夏连特拉王朝统治者兴建。“婆罗浮屠”这个名字的意思很可能来自梵语"Vihara Buddha Ur",意思就是“山顶的佛寺”。



tourist attractions

n. 观光胜地


tourist  tourist flow



距离旅游景点  tsukiji hamarikyu ; langham place shopping mall ; prado museum ;

shakespeare's birthplace

显示旅游景点 Astrobiology

伦敦旅游景点 London Sights

意大利旅游景点介绍 Italy Attractions

越南旅游景点介绍 Vietnam Attractions

威尼斯旅游景点介绍 Venice Attractions

旅游景点疯狂性爱 Hottest Getting His Attention

汉诺威旅游景点介绍 Hannover Attractions



Ponte Vecchio in Florence is one of the famous tourist attractions in Italy, and considered as the oldest stone arch bridge in Europe. 

“我们准备加强在旅游景点的安保力度....保证锋利的武器不被带入这些区域内。” 北京奥运会官方发言人王伟在一个新闻发布会上说。

"We are going to strengthen the security at scenic spots ... to make sure no sharp weapons can be brought into the area," Beijing Olympic spokesman Wang Wei told a news conference. 


After all, human power is readily available in pretty much any area with heavy foot traffic, such as a dancefloor, or a tourist attractions. 



1. The Great wall

The Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as the “10,000-li Great Wall”. Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years, from 7 th century to 14 th century AD. The wall has become a symbol of both China’s proud historyand its present strength.

2. The Palace Museum

The Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. The imperial palace used by emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the largest and most complete ancient wooden-structure building complex in the world. Construction of the Forbidden City started in 1406 and
lasted 14 years. 24 emperors were enthroned there.

3. Zhoukoudian: Home of the Peking Man

Remains of the Peking Man (homo erectus) are located on the Dragon Bone Hill at Zhoukoudian Village, Fangshan District, Beijing. In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered the complete skull of Peking Man. Later, more skull bones as well as stone and bone instruments were unearthed. Peking Man lived 690,000 years ago, ring Paleolithic times. Findings indicate that Peking Man knew how to make fires.

4. Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum and Terra-cotta Army

Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum is located in Lintong District, 35 kilometers east of Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province. Construction ofthe mausoleum lasted 38 years and involved over 700,000 workers. Over the years, a total of 50,000 important cultural relics have been unearthed. In 1980, two bronze painted horse-drawn chariots were unearthed. They are the largest and most complete bronze chariots and horses discovered so far. In 1974, farmers who were digging a well about 1.5 kilometers east of Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum discovered three vaults containing Qinshihuang’s Buried Legion. The largest

of the three vaults contains 6,000 life-size terra-cotta warriors and horses. The collection of warriors is
often bbed the“eighthwonder of the world”.

5. The Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang

Dunhuang Grottoes comprise of the Mogao grottoes, West 1,000-Buddha Cave, and Yulin Cave. The Mogao Grottoes, representative of the three sites, are located 25 kilometers southwest of Dunhuang City,
Gansu Province. Construction of the grottoes began in 366 AD. The well-designed grottoes are a
treasure house containing painting, sculptures, documents, and cultural relics.

6. The Huangshan Mountain

Located in Huangshan City in southern Anhui Province, the scenic area of the Huangshan Mountain covers 154 square kilometers and is famous for its four wonders: strangely-shaped pines, grotesque rock
formations, seas of clouds and hot springs. It also features a natural zoo and botanical garden.

7. Huanglong

The Huanglong Scenic Area is located in Songpan County, Sichuan Province. Calcified ponds, beaches,
waterfalls and embankments characterize Huanglong scenery.

8. Chengde Summer Resorts and Surrounding Temples

Chengde Summer Resort, known as “The Mountain Hamlet for Escaping the Heat”, is located in northern Chengde, Hebei Province. Qing Emperors used to spend their summer days handling state affairs at the resort. Construction of the resort lasted from 1703 to 1792. It is the largest and best-preserved imperial palace outside the capital. Many of the scenic spots around the resort’s lake area mimic famous landscaped gardens in southern China, and the buildings of the Outer Eight Temples feature
architectural style of minority ethnic groups such as Mongolian, Tibetan and Uygur.

9. Qufu, Confusius’Mansion, Temple and Cemetery

Qufu, in southwestern Shandong Province, was the capital of the state of Lu ring the Spring and
Autumn Period (770-476 BC) and the hometown of Confusius, a great thinker and ecator. Confucius’Mansion was the residence of Confucius’ eldest male descendants for generation. The mansion holds more than 9,000 volumes of archives dating from 1534 to 1948 and many cultural relics, ancient costumes, and utensils. Confucius’ Temple is famous for its 2,000 stone steles and more than 100 portrait stones from the Han Dynasty. Confucius’Cemetery houses tombs for Confucius and his

10. Ancient Buildings on the Wudang Mountain

The Wudang Mountain, located in northwestern Hubei Province, is a sacred Taoist mountain that is best known as the birthplace of Wudang martial arts. The Gold Hall built on the mountain in 1416 represents
advanced architectural styleand building techniques of that period.

11. Potala Palace Potala

Palace in Lhasa is situated on Red Hill 3,700 meters above the sea level. The palace was built by Tibetan King Songtsan Gambo in the 7 th century for Tang Princess Wencheng. Potala features the
essence of ancient Tibetan architectural art and houses many artifacts of the Tubo Kingdom.

12. The Lushan Mountain

The Lushan Mountain, located south of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, is one of the most famous mountains in China. The mountain features beautiful peaks, seas of clouds, waterfalls and historical sites. Bailu Academy is one of Chinese first schools of higher learning. 13. The Emei Mountain and Leshan Giant Buddha The Emei Mountain is one of China’s four famous Buddhist Mountains. It is located 7 kilometers southwest of Emeishan City, Sichuan Province. There are 150 temples on the mountain. The mountain features more than 3,000 plant species and 2,000 varieties of animals. Leshan Giant Buddha is located on the east bank of the Minjiang River in Leshan city, Sichuan Province. The Buddha is carved

out of a cliff and, being 70.7 meters tall, is the largest sitting Buddha in China. Carving of the Buddha
started in 713 and was completed in
803. The body of Buddha has a water drainage system to prevent erosion.

14. Lijiang Ancient City

Lijiang ancient city, located in Lijiang, Yunnan Province, is an ancient town inhabited mainly by the Naxi minority people. The town was founded in 1127. The roads in the town are paved with colored pebbles proced in Lijiang, and there are many stone bridges and memorial archways built ring the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Most of the residences are made of earth and wood. Palace murals depicting religious themes were painted ring the Ming Dynasty. The traditional Dongba Culture of the Naxi ethnic group
has been preserved in Lijiang.

15. Pingyao Ancient City

Pingyao of Shanxi Province was built 2,000 years ago ring the Zhou Dynasty. The city wall was renovated in 1370. It is one of China’s earliest and largest county-level city walls. Ancient streets, government offices, markets, stores and residences have been preserved, providing invaluable
resources for research on China’s ancient Ming Dynasty county seat.

16. Suzhou Gardens

Suzhou in Jiangsu Province is a famous historic and cultural city that is more than 2,500 years old. Suzhou features more than 200 ancient gardens. The small private gardens are especially famous
nationwide and reflect architectural styles of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.

17. The Summer Palace of Beijing

The Summer Palace, featuring the best of China’s ancient gardens, is located in the western suburbs of Beijing. The palace was built in 1153 as a temporary imperial palace. It was rebuilt in 1888. The Summer

Palace consists of the Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake. The Long Corridor, painted with exquisite paintings, was included in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1992 as the longest corridor in the world. The corridor links the area where Empress Dowager Cixi handled state affairs with the residential
and sightseeing areas.

18. The Temple of Heaven of Beijing

The Temple of Heaven, built in 1420, is located in southern Beijing. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,
emperors came to the temple to worship the God of Heavenand pray for a good harvest.


金沙遗址:Jinsha Ruins
熊猫基地:Cheng Panda Base
文殊院:Wenshu Temple
锦里古街:Jinli Ancient Street
宽窄巷子:Kuai Zhai Zane
都江堰水利工程:Dujiangyan Irrigation Project
乐山大佛:Leshan Giant Buddha
武侯祠:Wuhou Temple
峨眉山:Mt. Emei
四姑娘山:Mt. Siguniang
九寨沟:Jiuzhaigou Valley
世界自然遗产:the World Natural Heritage
杜甫草堂:Dufu's Thatched Cottage
青羊宫:Qingyang Temple
金沙遗址:Jinsha Ruins
宝光寺:Baoguang Temple
自贡国家恐龙地质公园:Zigong NationalGeological
自贡大山铺:Dashanpu of Zigong
武侯祠:Wuhou Temple
九寨沟:Jiuzhaigou Valley
三星堆遗址:the site of Sanxingi
世界自然遗产:the World Natural Heritage
都江堰:the Dujiangyan Dam
杜甫草堂:Dufu Thatched Cottage
青羊宫:Qingyang Taoist Temple
武侯祠:Temple of Marquis
都江堰:Doujiang Weir
蜀南竹海:Bamboo Sea


1.东方明珠广播电视塔:The Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower


2.上海金茂大厦:Shanghai Jinmao Tower


3.上海环球金融中心:Shanghai World Financial Center


4.上海中心大厦:Shanghai Tower



5.中华艺术宫:China Arts Museum



1、北海公园 Beihai Park



2、故宫博物院 the Palace Museum



3、革命历史博物馆 the Museum of Revolutionary History


4、天安门广场 Tian'anmen Square


5、毛主席纪念堂 Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall

毛主席纪念堂是为纪念开国领袖毛泽东而建造的,位于天安门广场, 人民英雄纪念碑南面,坐落在原中华门旧址。1976年11月24日按照中国共产党中央委员会的决议,毛主席纪念堂奠基仪式在天安门广场举行。

6、人民大会堂 the Great Hall of the People



7、黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Falls

黄果树瀑布,即黄果树大瀑布。古称白水河瀑布,亦名“黄葛墅”瀑布或“黄桷树”瀑布,因本地广泛分布着“黄葛榕”而得名。  位于中国贵州省安顺市镇宁布依族苗族自治县,属珠江水系西江干流南盘江支流北盘江支流打帮河的支流可布河下游白水河段水系,为黄果树瀑布群中规模最大的一级瀑布,是世界著名大瀑布之一。以水势浩大著称。瀑布高度为77.8米,其中主瀑高67米;瀑布宽101米,其中主瀑顶宽83.3米。黄果树瀑布属喀斯特地貌中的侵蚀裂典型瀑布。
