Cheer up Smile Nertz 的歌词

分类: 娱乐 时间: 2024-12-27 17:59:31

Cheer up Smile Nertz 的歌词?


Cheer Up - Bob Marley

Cheer up my brothers cheer up my sisters

Cheer up my momma too lord

Cheer up my father let me say

I know it won't be long

That change has got to come

That change has got to come

And I know that it won't be long

We've been down in captivity

Captivity so long so long

If we unite then we will be free

We will be free

So strong so strong come I want you to

Cheer up my


My sisters

Cheer up my sisters let me say

Cheer up my my my momma too lord

Cheer up my father

Let me say we've been down in captivity


So long so long

We unite we will be free

We will be free

So strong so strong

Cheer up my my my my my my brother

Cheer up my sister

Cheer up my sisters

Cheer up my momma

My momma too lord

Cheer up my my father

And I I I


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