
分类: 娱乐 时间: 2024-06-14 18:35:02



电影《逃狱三王》的主题曲 《i am a man of constant sorrow》。歌名:i am a man of constant sorrow歌手:soggy bottom boys专辑:《o brother where art thou soundtrack》歌词:The Soggy Bottom Boys我是一个终日悲伤的男人In constant sorrow through his days悲伤终日陪伴着他I am a man of constant sorrow我是一个终日悲伤的男人I've seen trouble all my day整日麻烦不断I bid farewell to old Kentucky我与古老的肯塔基告别The place where I was born and raised那是我出生和成长的地方The place where he was born and raised那是他出生和成长的地方For six long years I've been in trouble六年来我都在烦恼中度过No pleasures here on earth I found在这个世界上我没有欢乐For in this world I'm bound to ramble因为命中注定我四处漂泊I have no friends to help me now现在没有朋友能够帮助我He has no friends to help him now现在没有朋友能够帮助他It's fare thee well my old lover再见了我曾经的爱人I never expect to see you again我不再奢望还能与你相聚For I'm bound to ride that northern railroa因为我注定要登上那北去的火车Perhaps I'll die upon this train也许我会永远地留在那列火车上Perhaps he'll die upon this train也许他会永远留在那列火车上You can bury me in some deep valley你可以把我埋葬在某个深邃的山谷For many years where I may lay我会永远在那里沉睡Then you may learn to love another然后也许你会爱上别人While I am sleeping in my grave当我在墓中长眠的时候While he is sleeping in his grave当他在墓中长眠的时候Maybe your friends think I'm just a stranger或许你的朋友觉得我是个陌生人My face you'll never see no more我们永远不会再见But there is one promise that is given但假如有这样一个允诺I'll meet you on God's golden shore我与你将在上帝的金色海岸重逢He'll meet you on God's golden shore他与你将在上帝的金色海岸重逢

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