
8月20日,考察了甘肃省张掖市山丹培黎学校,强调发展职业教育的重要性。Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, on Tuesday visited the Bailie School in Shandan county, in Zhangye, northwest China's Gansu province, stressing the importance of developing vocational education.

强调,西北地区因自然条件限制,发展相对落后。区域之间发展条件有差异,但在机会公平上不能有差别。要解决这个问题,关键是要发展教育,特别是职业教育。China's northwestern region lags behind in development due to natural conditions, Xi said, noting that although development conditions vary from region to region, there should be no difference in equality of opportunity. To solve this problem, it is essential to develop education, especially vocational education, he said.







Vocational education is an important part of the national education system and human resource development. It is a major path for the young people to achieve success. It shoulders the responsibilities of developing a diversified pool of talents, passing on technical skills and boosting employment and entrepreneurship.



教育公平education equality

技术人员technical personnel

就业创业 employment and entrepreneurship


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