
1. 求英文高手翻译一下“我国城市轨道交通车辆选型研究”求专业翻译,急急急急急急急

The research of the selection of urban rail transit vehicles in China

2. “轨道交通”翻译成英文

Rail Traffic

3. 轻轨的英语介绍

Light rail or light rail transit (LRT) is a form of urban rail public transportation that generally has a lower capacity and lower speed than heavy rail and metro systems, but higher capacity and higher speed than street-running tram systems. The term is typically used to refer to rail systems with rapid transit-style features that usually use electric rail cars operating mostly in private rights-of-way separated from other traffic but sometimes, if necessary, mixed with other traffic in city streets. Modern light rail technology is highly flexible in how it can be used, and whether any given system is considered a true rapid transit system or not depends on its implementation.

4. 什么软件可以轻松学城市轨道交通专业英语呢


5. 中国铁道出版社 城市轨道交通车辆专业英语 原文翻译

China Railway Publishing House,
Urban rail transit vehicle professional English.

6. 轻轨的英文怎么说

1978年3月,国际公共交通联合会(UITP)在比利时首都布鲁塞尔召开会议,会上确定了 新型有轨电车交通的统一名称,英文为Light Rail Transit,简称“轻轨”,英文缩写LRT。

7. 城市轨道交通定义、英文翻译

Urban rail transit is an all-encompassing term for various types of local rail systems serving urban or older suburban areas. The vast majority of modern urban rail vehicles run on electricity. The set of urban rail systems can be roughly subdivided into four categories, which sometimes overlap, causing some systems or lines to have aspects of each。

From Wikipedia

8. 轨道交通运输与信号专业英语


9. 名词解释 轨道交通







10. “轨道交通”最正规的英语单词怎么说

track transportation轨道交通,轨道运输,有轨运输

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