

  旅行书店(The Travel Bookshop),《诺丁山》中的旅行书店将倒闭


  诺丁山在英国伦敦西郊附近,有人说,很难想象充满古典气息的伦敦也有诺丁山这样异国风味浓厚的街区,这里每年夏天举办的狂欢节更是令各国游客蜂拥而至,像个文化大熔炉,在这里各色人种齐聚一堂,有富人也有穷人,不同背景、有着极大差异的两个人也能互相吸引,所以不难相信,在这里,每天都上演着不同的爱情故事,而最精彩的当属《诺丁山》。   诺丁山(Notting Hill)原本是伦敦内行人留连的地方,这几年成了到伦敦的旅行者必逛之处的,是因为电影《诺丁山》。电影一开始,导演就用最简练的镜头狂拍了一通诺丁山——波特贝露市场(Portebello Road Martet)有各种摊床,卖鲜花的、卖水果的、卖蔬菜的、卖小日用品的、卖古董的、卖中国瓷器的、卖廉价首饰的。街道两旁有好多小店,也以卖古董首饰旧书艺术品的为多,当然也有休格兰特在电影中演的威廉开的那种小店:蓝色的木头门楣,油漆被风吹雨打的有点发乌了,招牌是白字的“The Travel Book Co.”。威廉的买卖不太好,但运气能气死谁,他居然命犯桃花跟好莱坞大明星有了故事。   诺丁山的罕见之处不在于爱情,而在于它虽身处伦敦,却有着异国风情。诺丁山狂欢节定在每年8月的最后一个周末,为期2天。头一天是儿童狂欢节,次日为成人狂欢节。论服装和面具,诺丁山狂欢节如同一场奇异华丽的化妆舞会;论音乐,钢鼓乐队、卡里普索歌曲、索加音乐则是诺丁山狂欢节的灵魂。钢鼓的强烈节奏令心跳立即合着节拍提速,卡里普索歌曲则每每根据最新时政和社会热点即兴改动歌词,惟余幽默讽刺的本色不变。每年至少吸引200万的群众参与活动。   英国诺丁山嘉年华会始于1964年,是以加勒比地区文化为特点,是伦敦多元文化的重要组成部分,也一直是欧洲最大规模的街头狂欢巡游。当千里达的移民抵达伦敦,当时的英国有色人种平日生活的压力还是很大,于是他们子就想到了以前在家乡的carnival,并且在1964年的夏天于Notting Hill这个一多种族多文化地区办起了carnival,结果引起轰动,并且造成广大回响,附近的居民在音乐响起的时候纷纷加入街上的队伍一起跳舞。




  题目应指英国诺丁汉大学。        一、学校概况   英国诺丁汉大学创建于1881年,为英国一流的著名研究性大学,位列英国“常春藤联盟”罗素集团,24所顶尖大学之列。这24所盟校只占英国高等教育机构总数百分之十,但创造逾百分之六十以上的一流科研成果。     二、学术地位   世界排名   2015年QS世界大学排名 第70名   2015年7月全球高校网(4ICU)世界大学200强排名 第57名   2015年1月全球高校网(4ICU)世界大学200强排名 第177名   2015年《美国新闻与世界报道》世界大学500强排名 第152名   2015年《泰晤士高等教育》世界大学400强排名 第171名   2015年CWUR世界大学排名TOP1000 第140名   2015年7月全球高校网(4ICU)欧洲大学100强排名 第6名   2015年1月全球高校网(4ICU)欧洲大学100强排名 第38名   2015年《美国新闻与世界报道》欧洲大学排名 第56名   专业排名        三、诺丁汉中国分校      宁波诺丁汉大学创建于2004年,也是中国第一所经教育部批准,具独立法人资格的世界一流水准中外合作大学。大学由前英国诺丁汉大学校长、中国科学院院士杨福家教授担任校长,陆明彦教授(Chris Rudd)担任执行校长。宁波诺丁汉大学将英国诺丁汉大学的优势学科与中国社会经济发展实际需求相结合,引进一系列具有国际一流水准的学位课程,实行与英国诺丁汉大学完全一致的教学评估体系,全英文授课,学生毕业后获得英国诺丁汉大学学位。   师生可以乘坐公共交通工具方便快捷地抵达宁波市中心,从校园到核心商业区天一广场,全程仅需45分钟。作为一座兴旺的港口和商业城市,宁波毗邻上海,高铁单程仅需两小时左右。




  中文片名:诺丁山   英文片名:Notting Hill   更多中文片名:新娘百分百,摘星奇缘   更多外文片名:The Notting Hill Project .....(UK) (working title)   影片类型:爱情 / 剧情 / 喜剧   片长:124 min   国家/地区:英国 美国   剧情简介   威廉.萨克(休·格兰特饰)住在伦敦西部的诺丁山,拥有一家惨淡经营的旅游书店。生意萧条的他,还要忍受行为怪异、不修边幅的室友斯派克。自从离婚后,他的爱情生活也是一片空白。   安娜.斯科特(茱莉亚·罗伯茨饰)是美国的电影明星,她的玉照出现在各个杂志的封面上,一举一动都受到全世界的关注。在好莱坞呆腻了的她,来到异国他乡的伦敦寻求刺激。   一个平淡无奇的星期三,安娜走进威廉的书店里,她优雅的姿态给威廉留下了深刻的第一印象。第二次见面可就没那么浪漫了,在街道拐角,威廉把一杯饮料泼在了安娜身上。深感愧疚的威廉请这个陌生的美人到家里洗衣服,两个人彼此产生了好感。没想到终于有一天,威廉一开门便发现娱乐记者已经蜂拥而至,他这才明白,自己请回家的不仅是一个国际巨星,也是一个天大的麻烦。


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谁知道有关英国诺丁山狂欢节nottinghill carnival的东西?

  Notting Hill Carnival   The Notting Hill Carnival is an annual event which takes place in Notting Hill, London, England each August, over three days (a weekend and a bank holiday). It is led by members of the Caribbean population, many of whom have lived in the area since the 1950s. The carnival attracts up to 1.5 million people, making it the largest street festival in Europe.   Event   Carnival kicks off on Saturday with the Panorama, a competition between steelpan bands mainly from London but more recently including some bands from other areas of the UK. Sunday is Children's Day, with a shorter Carnival route for children and young people. The main parade then takes place on Monday.   The current route for the main parade covers around 3 miles, following Great Western Road, Chepstow Road, Westbourne Grove and Ladbroke Grove. In addition to trucks with pan bands or mobile sound systems, there are costumed masqueraders and around 40 static sound systems spread throughout the area playing a range of music at high volume. While the "traditional" Soca and some Calypso can still be found, many other musical styles are represented.   History   The Carnival began in January 1959 in St Pancras Town Hall as a response to the depressing state of race relations at the time; the UK's first widespread racial attacks had occurred the previous year. It was a huge success, despite being held indoors.   It first moved outside and shifted into August in 1965. The prime mover was Rhaune Laslett, who wasn't even aware of the indoor events when she first raised the idea. At this point, it was more a Notting Hill event than an Afro-Caribbean event, and only around a thousand people turned out.   Girl in Costume.   Enlarge   Girl in Costume.   By 1976 the event had become definitely Caribbean in flavour, with around 150,000 people attending. However, in that year and several subsequent years the carnival was marred by riots, in which predominantly Caribbean youths fought with police — a target due to the continuous harassment the population felt they were under (see article on the 1976 riots in External links, below). During this period, there was considerable coverage of the disorder in the press, which some felt took an unfairly negative and one-sided view of the Carnival. For a while it looked as if the carnival would be banned. Prince Charles was one of the few establishment figures who supported the event.   In recent years, the event has been much freer from serious trouble and is generally viewed very positively as a dynamic celebration of London's multi-cultural diversity, though dominated by the Caribbean culture in the best traditions of Rio. However, there has been controversy over the public safety aspects of holding such a well-attended event in narrow streets in a small area of London. The capital's authorities have sought to spread the load by making use of nearby Hyde Park.   In 2003 the Carnival was run by a limited company, the Notting Hill Carnival Trust Ltd. A report by the London Development Agency on the 2002 Carnival estimated that the event contributes around £93 million to the London and UK economy.   In 2005, entrantants from Notting Hill Carnival participated in the Bridgwater, Somerset carnival - Europe's largest lighted carnival and part of the West Country Carnival circuit.   Attendance Figures   2005 - 750,000   2004 - 750,000   2003 - 600,000   2002 - 1,400,000   2001 - 1,250,000   2000 - 1,500,000   1999 - 1,400,000   1998 - 1,150,000   1997 - 1,300,000   1996 - 1,000,000


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  诺丁山里的书店在哪里?你说的是电影吧! 好像有个电影外景地的,诺丁山的旅行书店!

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