

  Angkor Wat


  觉得你的问题太高度概括了   一个城市各个方面的内容很多的   这里是大概   你最好到连接上好好看看你需要的内容   吴哥窟[www.circleofasia.com]   The most important archaeological site in Cambodia is the City of Angkor. It is estimated that over one million people lived there; making it the largest metropolis in its time.   Witness the two hand dug reservoirs that served the civilization's rice growing agriculture: The Eastern Baray measures 7 km by 1.8 km and the Western Baray a staggering 8 km by 2.3 km.   The 'lost City' of Angkor was to remain undiscovered by mostly French archaeologists until the late 19th century and ever since has continued to amaze all who see it for the first time. The temple is accessible by a giant stone causeway across the hundred ninety meter moat to the west face of the Wat. This is in itself an incredible feat of engineering.   The three most amazing temples at Angkor are the Angkor Wat, The Bayon, with its multi faced towers and Ta Phrohm, the famed jungle temple, which was deliberately left un-restored.   Most people recommend to visit these sites several times to appreciate their grandeur.   柬埔寨[www.cambodia-travel.com]   Country Conventional Name: Kingdom of Cambodia (Locally called Preahreacheanachakr Kampuchea). In short by local: Kampuchea   Capital: Phnompenh   Location: Southeast Asia, bordering the Gulf of Thailand to the south, Thailand to the east, Vietnam to the West, and Laos to the North   Climate - Tropical   Rainy Season: June to October   Cool Season: November to February   Hot Season: March to May   Monsoon season: May to November); Dry season (December to April) - Average Temperature: 32 degree Celsius     Size: 181,035 square kilometers, with coastal line of 443 km.   Population: 11,626,520 (1999)   Khmer 90%, Vietnamese 5%, and Chinese, Chams (Khmer Island), Hilltribes, Chinese constituted remaining 5% Population growth rate: 2.49% (1999 est.)   Birth rate: 41.05 births/1,000 population (1999 est.)   Death rate: 16.2 deaths/1,000 population (1999 est.)   Military Age: 18 years of age     Religion   Officially Theravada Buddhism 95%; others Islam and Christianity   Language   Officially Khmer - others: English, French, Chinese and Vietnamase Literacy: 35% of total population     Time: +7 GMT   Communication: The handphone has become a necessity in Cambodia. Handphone numbers start with 011, 012, 015, 016 or 018. Phone cards can be bought at hotels post offices and supermarkets for use at public phones.   Economy (Estimated)   GDP: purchasing power parity?7.8 billion (1998 est.) Agriculture: 51%   Industry: 15%   Services: 34%     Inflation rate: 15% (1998)   Labor force: 2.5 million to 3 million   Labor force: agriculture 80%   Industries: rice milling, fishing, wood and wood products, rubber, cement, gem mining, textiles   Natural resources: Timber, gemstones, some iron ore, manganese, phosphates, hydropower potential


  Angkor War 被誉为“东方四大奇迹”


  吴哥窟   吴哥窟的遗迹,包括建筑及古庙,是柬埔寨的骄傲。吴哥窟曾是高棉人的首都,1431年高棉王朝被推翻后,这个城市被废弃,并且被大多数人遗忘直到1858年,它被重新发现。现在你可以坐飞机很容易到达吴哥窟,附近就有酒店。   罗马圆形大剧场   罗马大剧场公元72年建于意大利罗马,巨型看台能容纳50000多人,是比赛和决斗的名胜地。罗马帝国没落后,大剧场成为废墟。该地现在是观赏意大利的景点,你可以坐在看台上,畅想过去。   吉萨金字塔   埃及吉萨大金字塔俯瞰尼罗河,它们约建于4500年前,是国王的坟墓。吉萨金字塔最大,由230万块石头堆成。底座每边都有230米长。金字塔因时间流逝而毁损,但仍是值得一看的奇迹。   没有使用翻译工具。


  柬埔寨Siem Reap 暹粒吴哥窟机场

吴哥窟的英语作文 70字

  The most important archaeological site in Cambodia is the City of Angkor. It is estimated that over one million people lived there; making it the largest metropolis in its time.   Witness the two hand dug reservoirs that served the civilization's rice growing agriculture: The Eastern Baray measures 7 km by 1.8 km and the Western Baray a staggering 8 km by 2.3 km.   The 'lost City' of Angkor was to remain undiscovered by mostly French archaeologists until the late 19th century and ever since has continued to amaze all who see it for the first time. The temple is accessible by a giant stone causeway across the hundred ninety meter moat to the west face of the Wat. This is in itself an incredible feat of engineering.   The three most amazing temples at Angkor are the Angkor Wat, The Bayon, with its multi faced towers and Ta Phrohm, the famed jungle temple, which was deliberately left un-restored.


  觉得你的问题太高度概括了   一个城市各个方面的内容很多的   这里是大概   你最好到连接上好好看看你需要的内容     吴哥窟 [www.circleofasia.com]     The most important archaeological site in Cambodia is the City of Angkor. It is estimated that over one million people lived there; making it the largest metropolis in its time.   Witness the two hand dug reservoirs that served the civilization's rice growing agriculture: The Eastern Baray measures 7 km by 1.8 km and the Western Baray a staggering 8 km by 2.3 km.   The 'lost City' of Angkor was to remain undiscovered by mostly French archaeologists until the late 19th century and ever since has continued to amaze all who see it for the first time. The temple is accessible by a giant stone causeway across the hundred ninety meter moat to the west face of the Wat. This is in itself an incredible feat of engineering.   The three most amazing temples at Angkor are the Angkor Wat, The Bayon, with its multi faced towers and Ta Phrohm, the famed jungle temple, which was deliberately left un-restored.   Most people recommend to visit these sites several times to appreciate their grandeur.     柬埔寨 [www.cambodia-travel.com]     Country Conventional Name: Kingdom of Cambodia (Locally called Preahreacheanachakr Kampuchea). In short by local: Kampuchea   Capital: Phnompenh   Location: Southeast Asia, bordering the Gulf of Thailand to the south, Thailand to the east, Vietnam to the West, and Laos to the North   Climate - Tropical   Rainy Season: June to October   Cool Season: November to February   Hot Season: March to May   Monsoon season: May to November); Dry season (December to April) - Average Temperature: 32 degree Celsius   Size: 181,035 square kilometers, with coastal line of 443 km.   Population: 11,626,520 (1999)   Khmer 90%, Vietnamese 5%, and Chinese, Chams (Khmer Island), Hilltribes, Chinese constituted remaining 5% Population growth rate: 2.49% (1999 est.)   Birth rate: 41.05 births/1,000 population (1999 est.)   Death rate: 16.2 deaths/1,000 population (1999 est.)   Military Age: 18 years of age   Religion   Officially Theravada Buddhism 95%; others Islam and Christianity   Language   Officially Khmer - others: English, French, Chinese and Vietnamase Literacy: 35% of total population   Time: +7 GMT   Communication:   The handphone has become a necessity in Cambodia. Handphone numbers start with 011, 012, 015, 016 or 018. Phone cards can be bought at hotels post offices and supermarkets for use at public phones.   Economy (Estimated)   GDP: purchasing power parity?7.8 billion (1998 est.) Agriculture: 51%   Industry: 15%   Services: 34%   Inflation rate: 15% (1998)   Labor force: 2.5 million to 3 million   Labor force: agriculture 80%   Industries: rice milling, fishing, wood and wood products, rubber, cement, gem mining, textiles     Natural resources: Timber, gemstones, some iron ore, manganese, phosphates, hydropower potential


  1,Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山   富士山(日文:ふじさん,英文:Mount Fuji)是日本国内最高峰,日本重要国家象征之一。横跨静冈县和山梨县的活火山,接近太平洋岸,东京西南方约80公里。      2,Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵   泰姬陵(Taj Mahal ),是印度知名度最高的古迹之一,世界文化遗产,被评选为“世界新七大奇迹”。位于印度北方邦的阿格拉(Agra)城内,亚穆纳河右侧。由殿堂、钟楼、尖塔、水池等构成,全部用纯白色大理石建筑,用玻璃、玛瑙镶嵌,具有极高的艺术价值。      3,Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟   吴哥窟(Angkor Wat),又称吴哥寺,位于柬埔寨,被称作柬埔寨国宝,是世界上最大的庙宇,同时也是世界上最早的高棉式建筑。吴哥窟原始的名字是Vrah Vishnulok,意思为“毗湿奴的神殿”,中国佛学古籍称之为“桑香佛舍”。      4,Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛   巴厘岛,印度尼西亚岛屿,位于爪哇岛东部,面积5620平方公里,岛上热带植被茂密,是举世闻名的旅游岛。巴厘岛是印尼17000多个岛屿当中最耀眼的一个岛屿,位于爪哇岛东部,面积5620平方公里,岛上山脉纵横、风情万种、景物绮丽。      5,Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠   婆罗浮屠位于东南亚的印度尼西亚,大约于公元750年至850年间,由当时统治爪哇岛的夏连特拉王朝统治者兴建。“婆罗浮屠”这个名字的意思很可能来自梵语"Vihara Buddha Ur",意思就是“山顶的佛寺”。   


  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   面积为18万平方公里。位于中南半岛南,海岸线长460公里。人口1143万(1998年统计数字)。有20多个民族,以高棉族最多,约占全国总人口的80%以上。主要少数民族有占族、卜侬族、老族、泰斯丁族等。   柬埔寨物产十分丰富,中国史书早有“富贵真腊”(柬古称真腊)之称。林业、渔业、畜牧业、水产资源丰富,盛产贵重的柚木、铁木、紫檀等势带林木,洞里萨湖是世界上著名的天然淡水渔场,也是东南亚最大渔场。柬埔寨是农业国,农业在国民经济中占主要地位。柬工业基础薄弱,主要有一些食品加工和轻工业。主要旅游点有世界闻名的吴哥古迹、金边和西哈努克港等。   全国分为20个省和4个直辖市。首都金边,位于湄公河西岸,洞里萨河和湄公河的汇合处。市内有王城和塔仔山两大胜迹。人口80万。   重要节日:独立日(建军节) 11月9日(1953年)国庆日 6月24日(1991年)   1958年7月19日,中柬两国建交。     位于中南半岛南部。面积18.1万平方公里。人口约1143万,居民大多信奉佛教,高棉语为通用语,与英语和法语同为官方语言。属于热带气候,终年温暖。年平均气温约24度(年最高气温38度,最低气温16度),年平均降雨量2000毫米。受季风和地形影响,各时期、各地区的降水量变化很大。5月-10月为雨季,降水占全年80%以上,天气湿热;11月至次年2月是旱季(又称干季或凉季);3月-4月是热季。   柬埔寨经济落后,是世界上最不发达的国家之一,农业是国民经济的支柱。盛产名贵木材及多种药材和林副产品。洞里萨湖是世界著名淡水湖渔区,盛产名贵鱼种,有“鱼湖”之称。   金边   柬埔寨的首都和最大城市。位于四臂湾的西侧。城市建在平原上,东部是老城,名胜古迹都集中在这里。西部是新城区,有宽阔的林荫大道和繁花似锦的公园,还有许多现代化的建筑。   金边王宫   位于塔山东南约两公里,与“四臂湾”相对。始建于19世纪70年代,20世纪初扩建。为一金碧辉煌的建筑群,宫中央奉祀绿玉佛一尊,一米多高,用整块翡翠雕刻而成。王宫外有黄墙环绕,宫内包括曾查雅殿、金殿、银宫等大小宫殿20多座,金殿和银宫交相辉映,具有浓厚的柬埔寨民族特色。   吴哥遗迹   以吴哥窟(Angkor Wat)为首的吴哥遗迹,是公元9世纪到15世纪的吴哥王朝的都城,是东南亚目前最主要的考古据点之一。吴哥窟位于金边西北方313公里的洞里萨湖附近,被喻为东南亚三大古迹之一。   Angkor是指国家或城市,Wat则是指寺庙。简单的说,吴哥窟就是“王者之庙”。   吴哥窟   又称小吴哥。是献给“梵天”的神殿,也是世界上最大的寺庙。整座建筑占地195万平方公尺,它的精神源自于印度神话中的“宇宙”概念。神庙由五座宝塔做主体,以65公尺高的主殿为中央,内部供奉婆罗门教的太阳之王-毗湿奴神,当地人亦视他为地球的守护神。吴哥窟,不仅是吴哥王朝辉煌史记的最佳见证,更是柬埔寨人心系的圣地。因此,吴哥窟的三座塔尖等于是柬埔寨的标志,纷纷显现在国旗上、钱币上,甚至人民的经济来源,也全拜当地的观光资源所赐。吴哥窟,正是柬埔寨的祖先留给后代最珍贵、最实际的遗产。   大吴哥   位于吴哥窟以北3.3公里的地方,王城方圆十平方公里,完全是由大石块迭砌而成。据说在当时,王城首都可以居住上百万人,这样的规模远超过鼎鼎大名的罗马古城。   巴戎庙   位于吴哥城的正中央,神庙距离各个城门都是1.5公里。   整个巴戎庙是由54座大大小小的宝塔所组成,每个塔尖都刻有四面佛陀的神像,面带举世闻名的“高棉的微笑”。就是这个神秘的面容,让世人感到敬畏又赞叹。走入巴戎庙,在宝塔中随处可见精致的浮雕,这些浮雕为平凡的石柱注入了生命,点亮了神庙的活力。神庙的内部总共分为三层,包括:圣殿、修道场和藏经阁等,大大小小的庭院共有三百多间。   女皇宫   位于暹粒省西边的“女人的城堡”,原名为“班德斯蕾”,照柬埔寨文来翻译,是“谋求幸福”的意思,当地人则习惯称为“女皇宫”,那是因为在神庙的中央刻有许多“阿帕莎拉”女神像。   贴身提醒:   语言:柬埔寨的官方语言是高棉语。在金边市与暹粒中心区以外的居民大多只会说高棉语。   货币:柬埔寨的货币名称是Riel(瑞尔)。各大城市都有货币兑换事务所,华人城可用人民币。

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