

  One day, I finished my homework, and painting.This picture is the theme of " space tourism ", content is a team of space tourism experts in a spaceship into space. Travel home in space to watch the stars, they fly away from the earth, in space to see the moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Venus, planet. Finally saw some unknown various star. Travel home in the sigh of space is fantastic.They watch attentively, forget to return the earth time. The ship 's fuel is not much, running out of fuel, the ship sounded the alarm, the pilot will inform the travel experts to fasten your seatbelts, ready, the spacecraft to rapidly into the earth, and the ship is like an arrow to the earth. When the fuel reaches the earth just five percent. That was close. Finally returned to the earth safely.I painted too much, though he also into space. When I grow up, must go to space to see for yourself.有一天,我做完作业,就画起画来。这张画的主题是《太空旅游》,内容是一队太空旅游家们坐着宇宙飞船来到了太空。旅游家们在太空观看一个个星球,他们飞离了地球,在太空看到了月球,火星,木星,土星,金星,天王星,海王星等行星。最后还看到了一些不知名的各种各样的星球。旅游家们在感叹着太空太神奇了。他们看的入神了,忘记了返回地球的时间。飞船的燃料不多了,燃料快用完时,飞船响起了警报,飞行员马上通知旅游家们赶快系好安全带,作好准备,飞船要急速冲向地球,然后飞船就象离弦的箭一样向地球驶去。到达地球时燃料只剩百分之五了。好险呢!总算安全返回地球了。


  Our universe, mysterious, in our solar system, the study of value, as the universe. Now, let's see, members of the solar system. The planet mercury, a phrase, nor, even a drop of surface temperature is quite large, if you put in the daytime is a pig, KaoRuZhu, night is frozen pork. Venus, and mercury, on the contrary, it is extremely thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse effect, his temperature is extremely high, up to a maximum of 4.8 even more degrees Celsius, aircraft cannot landed in the above, but he is very much like earth initial state, is very good study materials. Mars, earth and can be "sister planet", because the planet, or because sandstorm of iron, he's surface is red, this small planet to show the different side with Venus, dust storms, drought, and perhaps a human and tens of thousands of years. Jupiter, this planet, such as wood of the solar system's brother, his biggest characteristic is to see the great red spot, tornadoes, and that is the storm, it is the power of our big typhoon on thousands of times. Saturn and Neptune, first, Uranus, we known after a planet, I'm afraid you can't imagine how he turn, you dare to turn the circle go a little, though, but dare you forever are rolling walking, Uranus is outstanding. As a famous Neptune, he, he is not observed, but calculate out of 19th century, astronomers have discovered some rules of operation Uranus, they suspect a planet in "time", continuously, people finally got this planet Neptune. As to Pluto, in 2006 the international astronomical joint conference has revoked the planet Pluto, became a dwarf planet, nonetheless, for his desire to explore, even more than other planets.


  Nowadays space travel has no longer an impossible assumption for human being, due to continuing updating technology, people are currently designing taking trip to this unfamiliar area. There appears several supporting ideas of space tourism, asserting that it would benefit human futher development; however, the disadvantages lie there, which against that the negative impacts of space tourism cover its contribution. This essay, therefore intend to discuss both side of such arguement.   At the beginning, sapce trip insure the oppertunities for human beings to discover their future residence. It is possible to identify or even locate new planets that are similar to earth and suitable for living. Secondly new type of resource could be explored, which could reduce the earth resource presure by a large scale. Thirdly further understanding would be gained by space travellers after an sufficient space experiment. Next but not last, space tourism might also be meaningful to other aspects of society, for instance the environment of earth woudl be guarantee by future new source of eco-energies.   On the other hand, the influences of space are put into debate. Most taxpayers complain that new type of travel might empty their wallet and lead to more expensive lives. Groups of people worry that it is not rational and acceptable to be survive on planets other than earth because of the severe natural environment. Some of opponents even warning that space travel could confront travelers with dangours.   Personally, ......(这里用来写你自己的观点,你支持哪一方)

电影《太空旅客》剧情怎么样 剧情介绍

  简介:   吉姆(克里斯·普拉特 Chris Pratt 饰)是阿瓦隆号飞船上的一位工薪阶层旅客,在飞船前往太空殖民地家园2号的120年旅途中,因一次意外,他从冷冻睡眠中醒来。发现自己有可能要在这艘巨船上独自度过89年,吉姆试着重新入睡,但最终只能在安置了5000个同行人员的睡眠舱中孤独生活,处于自杀边缘的吉姆绝望中孤注一掷,于是,他唤醒了一名女乘客奥罗拉(詹妮弗·劳伦斯 Jennifer Lawrence 饰),两人在相处的期间产生了爱情的火花。而当飞船的操作系统瘫痪,这对情侣面临着更大的问题,生命受到威胁的不仅仅是他们自己,也包括同行的旅伴,和航行本身。

<奇异的太空旅行>作文 想象文 字数:300~350 原创

  整座飞船只有我一个人,其他人在我醒来时就不见了,我顿时紧张起来。我仔细思考的一番,觉得找到船长最为重要。从哪找起呢?我正思考,看到桌上有本八大行星的书,我想这不会是船长失踪的暗示吧。我便驾驶飞船,从火星找起。这颗星球果然有水,不过没找到船长。我驶向木星,一颗硕大的星球让我不禁感叹,在这找费了不少时间,可惜也没找到。土星环非常危险,还好我驾驶技术高超,不仅绕土星飞了几圈,还绕土卫飞了几圈。海王星好远呀,而且很冷,刚才绕的天王星明显暖一点。我摇摇头有点失望,地球肯定没有,水星金星又太热,船长去哪儿啦?突然有个导弹向我飞来,我急忙躲闪。   (自己写的,有两个结局待续和有结尾,要都打吗)


  为您解答如下:   我们怎么能得到有关太空旅行的信息?   How can we obtain information on outerspace traveling?     记得采纳哦〜〜〜您的采纳是对我的肯定〜


  Space tourism is based on the ideal people to travel into space, into space to travel, giving an unprecedented experience to provide the latest and most surprising is that it can stimulate the person watching the space charming scenery, but also can enjoy the taste of weightlessness. Both of which experience can be enjoyed only in space, we can say that only the sky Cijing. Space travel project started in April 30, 2001. The first space tourists, American businessman Dennis Tito, the second space tourist to the South African millionaire Mark - Shuttleworth, the third space tourist Gregory Olsen, an American. Experts say the future of space tourism will show a mass, project diversification, companies competition and improve the four major trends in safety regulations.     太空旅行是基于人们遨游太空的理想,到太空去旅游,给人提供一种前所未有的体验,最新奇和最为刺激人的是可以观赏太空旖旎的风光,同时还可以享受失重的味道。而这两种体验只有太空中才能享受到,可以说,此景只有天上有。太空游项目始于2001年4月30日。第一位太空游客为美国商人丹尼斯蒂托,第二位太空游客为南非富翁马克-沙特尔沃思,第三位太空游客为美国人格雷戈里·奥尔森。专家表示,未来的太空旅游将呈大众化、项目多样化、多家公司竞争、完善安全法规四大趋势。

急需要一篇关于太空旅程的英语作文,题目为journey to space,80词左右

  Our physiological journey into space actually begins several days before launch. To avoid last minute exposure to colds and flu, you and your crew mates have been in partial isolation at Kennedy Space Center. During isolation, you have gradually adjusted your circadian rhythm to match the sleep-rest cycle required for the mission.   Now, a rookie astronaut, you have already boarded the Space Shuttle Orbiter and, dressed in an orange launch and entry suit, lie in a reclined position strapped into one of the middeck seats. The change in your orientation with respect to gravity produces a headward fluid shift. During launch, you experience as much as 3 Gs of acceleration, but the reclined position preserves blood flow to your brain and you remain conscious and alert throughout the nine minutes it takes to reach orbit.   On entry into weightlessness, the lack of a hydrostatic gradient causes a continuation of this headward fluid shift, leading to puffiness of your face and a feeling of fullness in your head. Your body perceives this fluid shift as excessive fluid volume. To get rid of the excess fluid, sodium excretion is increased leading to increased urine flow. In addition, stimulation of the hypothalmic receptors reduces thirst and so you drink less water.   Transitioning from Earth's gravity to weightlessness disrupts your body's spatial orientation and posture control systems. You experience disorientation and motion sickness during the first few days in space. You also find that the lack of regular 24 hour cycles of light and dark disrupts your circadian rhythm. Combined with a busy work schedule, cramped quarters and the other physiological stresses, which disrupts your sleep patterns and you lose about 2 hours of sleep a day for a short duration space mission.   Your mission, however, is long-duration and involves a three month stay on the International Space Station. After a month of weightlessness, additional changes in physiological systems begin to become apparent as you are fully adapted to the microgravity environment. You now get around using mostly your arms and you don't need to use your legs to support the weight of your body. The reduced work load on weight-bearing muscles leads to muscle wasting (or atrophy) with an associated strength loss that could be 30% to 40%. The small forces used to get around require reduced gross muscle activity and increased fine muscle activity leading to a conversion of muscle fibers from slow twitch type to fast twitch type. Measurements of astronaut intravehicular activity (IVA) reveals average force magnitudes of 9 N (2 lb) with maximum lods of 60 N (13.5 lb). Your heart no longer has to pump blood against the pull of gravity and the reduced load leads to atrophy of your heart muscle. Lack of weight bearing also reduces stress levels in your bones leading to bone breakdown and release of calcium. Loss of bone mineral density at a rate of 1­2% per month in critical areas significantly reduces the strength of your bones.   Through some combination of factors, your immune system gets weaker, and you realize that you are now more prone to infection and perhaps even at risk for reactivation of latent viruses.   These profound changes in your body in response to the weightless environment can pose serious health risks upon return to Earth. For most physiological systems, your body readapts to the 1-g environment, although often at a slower rate than on entry into weightlessness. You might experience orthostatic intolerance brought on by the hydrostatic gradient and a reduced fluid volume. Your muscle strength will probably return to normal within 4-8 weeks. Your bone mass should also recover within approximately 8 months or a year, but may never recover it's original strength for the same amount of mass. You may also encounter difficulties with postural equilibrium due to weightlessness induced changes to your neurovestibular system.   Research needs to be performed to assess astronaut performance for long-duration space missions with particular emphasis on developing countermeasures to spaceflight-induced deconditioning. Pre-, inflight, and postflight investigations of astronauts exposed to long-duration space flight aboard the International Space Station will help answer the question of what are the basic mechanisms underlying adapation to microgravity. This information has implications for future countermeasure interventions. If long-duration space flight leads to general deterioration in astroanut performance then inflight countermeasures that enhance performance can be envisioned. Some combination of exercise, medication, and perhaps, artificial gravity, will be prescribed as countermeasures for long-duration space missions, especially for future missions to the moon or Mars.


  Yang Liwei was sent into space at 9 a.m on October 15th by China’s Shenzhou V spacecraft, which orbited the earth 14 times. He landed safely at 6:23 a.m the next day, making China the third country successfully sending a person into space after the former Soviet Union and the USA.   Yang Liwei came back to the earth after a 21-hour trip to space. In space Yang recorded everything he saw and showed China’s national flag and the United Nations’ flag to the people watching on TV at home.   All of the Chinese are proud of our first spaceman---Yang Liwei.

他从他的朋友哪里得到一本关于太空旅行的书 英语

  He got a book about space travel from his friend.

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